Chapter 14- Why Can't You Understand?

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"No, it's a misunderstand–" I got cut off by Mina slapping me.

"Is this how you play your little games?!" She yelled yet again. What is wrong with her?!

"Stop it, Mina! I didn't make her cry!!" I shouted at her. She pushed me and I fell back, hitting a stand.

"Mina stop!" Chaeyoung pulled her back.

"You know what? I'm done with this bullshit, Mina! Just stop accusing me of things when you don't even know what's going on!! Stop thinking about you and let others speak! You don't even try to understand me, at all!" Tears were streaming out of my eyes.

"Just... stop." I looked down, "I've been so stressed out lately... because of you. I love you, Mina. I didn't kiss Kei, she kissed me. I tried to push her away but I couldn't. I tried to run after you but I was stopped. Mina, you're slowly killing my mental state..."

"Momo..." Mina said. She was walking towards me but I backed up. I couldn't take this pain anymore.

"Mina... please. Give me some space. I need to clear my mind. But right now, Chaeyoung needs–" I couldn't finish my sentence when I felt dizzy. I fell to the ground, my vision so blurry. I could hear loud but muffled voices. Everything was spinning and it finally went black.

See what happens when you get your hopes high? You won't make that mistake anymore, right? You're foolish, an idiot. You had your chances and you blew it. Do you want to start anew? Or do you want to fix this stupid mess you made?

I saw what happened when I got my hopes high. But they should've been higher. I should've pushed Kei away when I had the chance, I should've caught up to Mina when I had the chance. I know I'm an idiot but that's all I need to be. I'm going to fix this mess I made. And I won't make that mistake again.

I woke up to a bright light shining in my eyes. I rose up, seeing an unfamiliar room. A hospital room? Why the hell am I in here?

"Momoring?" I heard someone call me. I looked to see it was Sana.

"Sana!" I said, rushing up to hug Sana.

"Hold on, Momoring! Lay down for a minute, you're still not in the right state to stand yet," she said, laying me back down.

"Momo? Guys! Momo's up!!" I heard Jeongyeon yell. Aish, she's much louder than Jihyo now. I didn't notice all nine girls were here until Jeong broke my ears. They rushed over to my side, hugging me tightly. But I noticed Mina stayed where she was.

"Um, Sana? We're done with the act now," I told her.

"Really? You don't need us to distract you anymore?" She asked, clearly excited.

"Yep! And now Jeong and Dubu don't have to either!"

"Ahhhh! Yes!!" Sana screamed and kissed Tzuyu right in front of us. Tzuyu turned so red.

"Wait wait wait, hold up a minute! Tzuyu and Sana are dating?! I thought Momo and Sana were dating! And you guys were distracting Momo? From what?!" Jihyo exclaimed. The other three girls were just as confused, their eyes wide.

"I, we, um, I kind of..." I couldn't really get the words out.

"You see, Momo was really stressed about hurting Mina really bad and then Mina started avoiding Momo and also started dating Chaeyoung so Momo needed a distraction from Mina to keep herself from breaking down so she had Jeongyeon, me and Dahyun to keep her distracted and I suggested that we go out as a distraction and pretend we're dating and then Tzuyu confessed to me and now we're dating and Momo seems fine now," Sana heavily breathed in and out from blurting out the whole story. The other three blinked, bewildered by this news.

"I-I knew it was a fake relationship!!!" Chaeyoung suddenly yelled, "Also, Mina. Let's break up. You should go to your real love, now," and she pointed at me.

"My turn to confess to my love!" Chaengie suddenly announced. She ran up to Dubu and kissed her. I swear, Dahyun was literally as red as tomato right now.

"I- Chaeyoung! Oh my god, I love you too!" Dahyun hugged Chaeyoung and gave her kisses too. I smiled at the girls, giving them a signal to give me a moment with Mina. They walked out, giving me smirks, grins, and winks.

"Mina, can you come here?" I asked her softly. She slowly got up and walked to me. I swung my legs off the side of the bed, coming closer to Mina.

"Mina... I'm sorry for all this trouble I caused. I should've been stronger and not a complete mess–" I was cut off when Mina kissed me. I waited so long to finally get to kiss these lips. I melted into this kiss, my heart pounding so hard. I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her closer.

"Stupid Momoring, I should be apologizing. I should've listened to you before coming to conclusions. I'm sorry..." she looked down with guilt in her eyes.

"I forgive you, Minari. I love you.." I lifted her chin and kissed her this time.

"I love you too, Momoring," she responded back. We hugged each other, tightly.

The next day we went to class, everyone kept asking about my relationship with Mina and Sana now. I explained to them that me and Sana's relationship was all fake and that Tzuyu and Sana are dating. I also made it clear that Mina was mine, too.

"Guys! Mimo is back!!!" A guy announced to the class.

"Mimo?" Mina and I questioned.

"Your ship name!" He exclaimed.

"Oh, of course..."

We continued on with class, dancing in the studios again. We did a choreography project and I picked Mina to be my partner. We could do any dance we wanted.

"Mina, how about we do a contemporary dance?"

"Sounds like a good idea, what song should we use?"

"How about... Crazy in Love? The song by the American singer, Beyoncé?"

"Ooh, this is gonna be fun!" Mina exclaimed. It really will be. Because I'll be doing it with Mina.

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