Chapter 6- Did I Do Well?

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It was Saturday morning when I woke up. I have four more hours until I meet with Sana and Mina. I went out into the living room to see some toast on the table. Jeong probably has classes so I'll be alone for these four hours I'm waiting. I ate the buttered toast and went to wash my face. I sat on the couch, watching the t.v. I decided to put on Spongebob Squarepants cause why not? I just sat there, laughing or frowning at the weird jokes the characters made. I stayed like a bump on a log for the next two hours. After that I couldn't bare my boredom. I ended up calling Dahyun.

"Dubu, do you have two hours to spare?"

"Ahh, I'm sorry, unnie. I'm out with Tzuyu."

"It's okay, I'll ask someone else, bye Dubu. And tell Tzuyu I said hi."

"Sorry again, unnie, bye!"

Alright, time to call Chaengie now.

"Hey Chaengie, do you have time to hangout?"

"I'm doing my painting project right now but you could keep me company. Tzuyu and Dahyun are out so I'm a little lonely."

"Alright, I'll be over, then."

I turned the t.v off, put on a black jacket and headed out. The fall breeze washed over me when I stepped outside. It was a little chilly but I thought it felt nice. I went over to the other dorm building, walking to the youngster's room.

"Chaeyoung, I'm here!" I knocked on the door. I heard shuffling and footsteps. When she finally unlocked the door, she looked like a mess. A cute mess, though.

"Come in, Momo," Chaeyoung led me through the room, decorated with various paintings and posters.

"Wow, Chaengie. Did you do these?" I asked in complete awe.

"Yep, aren't they cool?"

"They look very beautiful."

I sat next to her while she painted one of those abstract paintings. I pulled my phone out, taking some pictures of Chaeyoung while she painted. She looked cool while working.

"When I finish painting, I wanna see those photos. Maybe you can join the art major if the pictures come out nice, heheh."

"Haha, I'm not a photographer. I'll stick with dance."

"If you say so."

Nearly an hour passed and Tzuyu and Dubu came. Chaeyoung finally finished, too. What good timing.

"Alright, let's do something," Chae said while cleaning her hands.

"What do you want to do?" We asked.

"Should we watch some movies?" Chaeyoung suggested.

"Yeah, what movies do we have though?" Tzuyu asked. I followed the three kids to their stash of movies.

"Oh, should we watch Lion King??" Chaeyoung excitedly picked up the movie. This baby cub..

We all agreed and sat at the couch as the movie started. Of course, the iconic intro started. We started playing around for the beginning, Tzuyu lifting Chae off the ground. Dubu and I were laughing so hard, we had tears in my eyes. We started shouting the words just having a good time. The four us settled down as the intro finished. We kind of all just snuggled in the couch. It was comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time.

Nearly 45 minutes passed and I decided to head out.

"Alright, maknaes, I'm heading out now!" I announced, getting my jacket on.

"Aww, but unnie, the movie isn't finished!" Dahyun pouted.

"I'll watch another movie with you kids some other time, okay?"

"Alright, then unnie. Wait hold on, where're you going anyway?" Tzuyu asked.

"I have to practice a dance with someone."

"Oh.. okay. Good luck then, unnie. Don't fail and embarrass yourself," Tzuyu bluntly said. Ahh, this Yoda face. I left, going to the main building. I stepped inside, the whole place quiet. I walked through the hallways trying to find the second dance studio room. I finally found it, in which, it was on the second floor. The least expecting place you'd find it. I opened the room to find complete darkness. I turned on the lights to see it was a much bigger room than the one downstairs. I sat in the middle of the floor, sending Chae the pictures I took of her. I heard the door open and I saw Mina there.

"Oh, Momoring, you're here early?" She questioned me. I think my heart just skipped a beat.

"Yeah, I was earlier than I expected myself to be," I noticed Sana wasn't with her.

"Where's Sana?" I asked.

"Oh, she said she had plans with her other friends," she chuckled. That Sana is such a snake, "Why? You like her or something?"

"Ahh nooo, she's cute but I don't like her that way..." I like you, though. Those words I want to say but it's too early. Way too early.

"If you say so, then..." Mina had plugged in her phone to a speaker and put on... one of those ballroom songs, "Alright, Momo. What position do you want to do?"

"I-I don't know. Which position is easiest?"

"Umm... male lead."

"Then teach me the male lead?"

"Alright, since you're the male, put your hand here," she led my hand just behind her back, "and use your other hand to grab my hand," and she grabbed my hand. I'm sure my face was as red as a tomato right now.

"So... what now?"

"Now you lead me," she spoke so softly, it made my heart flutter. Her hand was atop my arm that was resting on her back. I stepped from side to side, making sure I was at a steady pace. I stepped forward and backward, leading this beautiful angel in front of me.

"Okay, now I'll spin," I lifted my hand in response and she spun around and came back to the position we were in. We spun together and continued this for some time now. The music had ended and we stopped in our tracks. We both didn't move an inch. At all. But I stared into her dark brown orbs, taking in her features again. Mina stared back into my eyes, her gaze piercing through my soul. We were suddenly knocked out of our fazed state when the door suddenly swung open.

"I'm here–" Sana stared at us in shock. Me and Mina looked back at each other, noticing we were still in our same position. We pushed each other away, my whole body becoming hot.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt that hot moment, girls," Sana teased.

"Shut up you snake," Mina retorted.

"Yah, now you call me a snake?!"

"Ahah, you are a snake! Anyway, I-I'll be heading back. See you girls on Monday..." and I left the room. I stopped outside the door, breathing out heavily. Why do I feel so nervous?

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