Chapter 12- My Feelings?

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The classroom atmosphere had increasingly become awkward. There was no more Momo and Mina but now there was Momo and Sana featuring Kei and Mina that people were talking about. It bothered the hell out of me. It was clear to me that news spreads like wildfire. So I should probably keep myself low for today. No, practically everyday. Class ended and I went over to Sana.

"I'm sorry, Momoring, but I have to stay longer at class today. Gotta help teach some kids," she giggled. I took a glance at Mina who looked as normal as ever. It's fine... Sana took her hand and brought it up to my face, covering Mina's. Some people saw and made that 'awe' noise. I also heard a 'tsk' noise behind. Obviously, it must've been Kei. That bothers me too.

"Alright, I'll be at my dorm, then," I said. I hugged Sana and walked outside the building, feeling the breeze hit my body. I walked towards the dorms, glancing at the dorm building that was in front of mine. I breathed out, surprised to see my breathe.

"Momo!" I heard someone call out. I turned around to see Chaeyoung.

"Hey, Chaeyoung. Do you need something?" I greeted her.

"Momo... are you okay?" She asked. I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Of course, why?" I asked, knowing what she was about to say next.

"Well... because I know you like Mina and I'm... kind of..."

"I know, Chaeyoung. I'm dating Sana now, so–"

"You know full well that I know it's not a real relationship." People must love interrupting me these last few days.

"It's okay, Chaengie," I pulled her into a hug, "I support you and... Mina. If you're happy, then I'm happy." Tears started forming in my eyes and I looked up. I looked up at this grey sky hovering above me.

"If you're happy, I'm happy," I repeated. She tightened the embrace in response. I turned around, quickly enough for her not to see the tears streaming down my cheeks.

"You should get going, it's going to rain soon," I told her.

"A-Alright. Bye, Momo..." I heard her footsteps get quieter and quieter. I walked inside my dorm room and ran to my bed. I just laid there, crying my soul out. Why can't I get Mina out of my head? Why did it have to be Mina?! I continued to sob, hearing the rain and thunder. My room had increasingly gotten darker and darker. I heard the main door open and a few footsteps. My door was opened now, too and I felt my bed dip down and a pair of arms fall around me.

"Momoring..." I heard Sana call.

"S-Sana," I called her name, only for me to cry even more. I saw Jeongyeon come in and embrace me, too.

"Shh, it's okay. We're here now. We heard what happened so we came as fast as we could," Sana comforted.

"It'll be okay, Mo. We've all got your back until you feel better, okay?"

"A-Alright," I said, getting my breathing corrected. Sana laid next to me the entire night. She really does feel like my girlfriend but it's only temporary. It's only fake.

It was morning as I saw the sunlight poke through the curtains.

"Satang, wake up," I said, shaking her awake.

"W-What time is it, Momoring?" I got my phone and saw it was 9 o'clock, "It's nine, Satang."

"I'll go back to my dorm, then..." she drowsily rose from my bed.

"Hey, wait. Why don't you stay for breakfast first?" I asked.

"Alright, then."

We both slithered out of bed and walked into the kitchen. Jeong has classes on Saturdays so she'll be home later.

"Want some eggs, Sana?" I asked.

"Sure, anything'll be fine," she answered, standing beside me. She watched me cook the eggs and rice the entire time. When I finished, I put it on a plate and brought it to the table. Sana sat in front of me and we started eating.

"Itadakimasu~" we said in Japanese. Ahh, this reminds me of home.

"Wow, Momoring! It tastes so gooood!" She exclaimed.

"Thanks, Satang," I thanked her, bubbled up from her compliment. We ate in silence for a few minutes after but something had been on my mind for quite some time.

"Sana... what happened to Mina's dad?" I asked. I saw her stop eating and place her utensils down, slowly. I could tell she was visibly uncomfortable.

"Well... Mina's dad was in some type of trouble involving those scary gangs and stuff," I listened intently, "One day, Mina and her dad were going on a walk together because Mina was going to start college here, right? Then, these gangs found her and her dad and dragged them to those dark alleyways. Mina was forced to watch them beat her dad up so that's why she has to contain her feelings together or she'll break down..." Sana finished explaining. Oh my god, I should've known. I hurt Mina so bad and this was the last straw. I looked down with guilt.

No. Stop. Forget the feelings. She loves someone else now. Not you. She's forgetting what you did. She's happy. Remember your words.

"Thanks for explaining everything to me, Sana," I smiled.

"No problem, Momoring. This was also part of the reason why I was so protective of Mina... I couldn't trust anyone who wanted to be close to Mina."

"I understand that now..."

"But you know what's weird?"


"You were the first person Mina opened up to this past year."

"Wait, what?"

"She didn't want to open up to anyone but when she saw you, it was like a whole new world for her. You must have a secret charm, Momoring. Almost like, love at first sight? She was also so excited when you talked to her, even though she yelled at you earlier that day."

"Is that so?" This whole time, she's liked me that long?

"Oh, I spoke too much," she chuckled, continuing to eat.

"Ahh, I shouldn't have asked. Now I feel like crap again..."

"Look, Momoring, you didn't do anything wrong. She... just jumps to conclusions too fast..."

She's right. You didn't do anything wrong. But that means, you can't get her back anyways.

"I know, I know, but from what I see, she's gone now..."

I want her back.

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