Chapter 5- I Don't Look Mean... Right?

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All of a sudden, I'm pinned against a wall! By Sana! I'm being harassed again!!

"S-Sana, why?" I asked, feeling as vulnerable as ever. She grabbed the collar of my blouse and said, "I'm going to make things clear, Momo. I know what you're about to do and you're lucky enough I didn't tell her, even though I should've!Don't you cause Mina-chan pain again, cause if you do, I'll make sure you regret it!" She tightened her grip on my shirt.

"I- Do you think I'd hurt Myoui? Who do you think I am?!" I shouted at her. That really pissed me off.

"Well, you're meeting right after class so I thought–"

"Sana, you're much different than I thought you were. I know you're being protective but don't just attack me because I wanted to become friends with Mina. Plus, you know I like Mina anyway..." that last part made my voice trial off.

"Oh my... that's why you kept staring at Mina?"

"Wait, what?!"

"....I thought you were staring at her because you wanted to beat her up," Sana slightly chuckled in shame. I looked at her in disbelief.

"Aaaah! I just told my feelings for her to you!!" I exclaimed, "Sana, please don't tell her!"

"Ahahah! Momo-chan, I won't," Sana said. Wait, chan?

"Sana, are you Japanese?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah. Why?"

"I'm Japanese, too!"

"Wow, really? I found another Japanese friend!"

"I didn't think I'd find anyone else that's Japanese."

"Same with me and Mina. Oh yeah, Mina's Japanese, too."

"Huh, that's cool. Wait, I'm not letting you off that easy, Sana. You need to pay me back for falsely accusing me."

"Ehh? What do you want then? A kiss, perhaps?"

"Eww, no. You're cute but no. Just buy me jokbal."

"Ouch, that hurt just as much as Tzuyu's words."

"You know Tzuyu?"

"Yeah, I tried to make friends but she ignored me," Sana had pouted.

We continued to talk and get to know each other more until Mina came out.

"Mina-chaaaan," Sana yelled.

"Sana, Momo-shi," Mina waved to us. My body feels hot right now... please tell me it's not visible.

"Where to?" I asked them both.

"How about a café? My friend owns it," Mina suggested.

"Oh, sure!" Me and Sana agreed.

We walked out of the gate and across the street. I haven't actually left campus in a while.

"You know, Mina-shi, your hip-hop dance was incredibly good," I praised her.

"Really? Thank you, yours was too. I mean, you looked really cool," she complimented me. Geez, how lucky can I be?

"Yah! Stop making me a third wheel," Sana pouted.

"Satang, you're speaking nonsense," I said. She glared in response, yet she still looked like a baby, "Stop it, you look like a baby." I pinched her slightly chubby cheeks.

"Satang?" Sana questioned.

"A nickname!" I answered. She smiled in response.

"What about you guys. Give me a nickname?" I asked.

"What about..." Sana and I waited for Mina's nickname, "Momoring?"

"Waah, Momoring sounds so cute!!" Sana practically screamed.

"Yah, my ears. Momoring is cute, Minari," I grinned at Mina. She grinned too. "Oh, for the new unit, it's gonna be the Waltz Unit. Do you both know how to do those ballroom type dances?" I asked.

"Mina knows how, maybe she'll teach you," Sana said while winking. Luckily, it went unnoticed by Mina.

"R-Right. I was gonna ask for help from both of you," I shyly admitted.

"Oh, I'd be willing to help. Any specific date?" Mina had asked.

"I'm fine with any day or time."

"Alright, how about this Saturday at around 3 o'clock?"

"Yep, sounds good. How about you, squirrel?" I asked.

"Ehh, now you're calling me squirrel? It works for me."

"Then it's settled. Let's all meet in the second dance studio," Mina marked a reminder for herself. Cute.
We finally arrived to the café. Wait, this was where I met Nayeon.

"Woah, you're friend owns this café?" I asked.

"Yeah, she goes by the name Jihyo. You know her?" Mina asked.

"No, I've never heard of her til now."

"Well, she's in the singing major anyway so..." Sana giggled. The three of us stepped inside and the smell of coffee hit me in the face.

"Hey girls!" A girl shouted, despite being behind the counter. She's super pretty, to be honest.

"Hello Jihyo unnie," Mina greeted.

"Hi Jihyo-ah!" Sana also greeted.

"Who's this?" Jihyo asked while pointing at me.

"This is Hirai Momo," Sana introduced me. She also whispered something into Jihyo's ear. This is kind of worrying me.

"Hello Momo-shi, I'm Park Jihyo, nice to meet you." I expecting something bad to be mentioned but... she greeted me normally?

"Nice to meet you, too, also, no need for honorifics," I said.

"Alright, then. You three want drinks?"

"Another americano," Mina ordered.

"I'll just have hot chocolate," Sana also ordered.

"I don't want anything, thanks."

The three of us found a booth table and talked about ourselves again. Ahh, today is the best.

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