Bonus Chapter- It Was A Setup?

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Today was the day we set Jeong and Nabongs up. We decided that a restaurant would be the best place to set them up so I was getting ready with Jeong, and Mina was getting ready with Nayeon. I called Mina, asking if she was ready. She said yes so we headed out. We made sure to arrive to the place at different times so it wasn't obvious.

"Hey, Jeong. I already reserved the seats so we can just walk in," I told her.

"Alright, then," she said. We walked over to the table and sat at the booth.

"Hey, I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick, okay?"

My phone started ringing and that was my queue to leave.

"Wait, hold on. Sorry, Jeong. It's my sister, she injured herself while dancing earlier, it's okay if I leave, right?" I acted in a panic.

"Oh geez, of course, Momo! Go help your sister," she said. I rushed out but I happened to stop and spy through the little window. She wasn't at the booth anymore, making it even better.

I saw Mina and Nayeon enter and saw them sit at the same table. They talked for a little and I saw Mina get up. She probably got the call. Nayeon stopped Mina for a second and then walked off somewhere. Mina walked out and went to where I was.

"I think it's working," Mina said.

"But wait, where'd Nayeon go?" I asked.

"She went to the bathroom, why?" I widened my eyes.

"What? Jeong just went to the bathroom!" I exclaimed.

"Oh my god, they're gonna see each other now!" Mina also exclaimed. We went back inside and rushed to the bathrooms. When we got in there, we realized it was a one person bathroom.

"What? Where are they?" I asked.

"T-They tricked us!"

"Are you kidding me?" We both sighed, the plan didn't work. We were betrayed. Mina was about to walk out when I pulled her back.

"M-Momo, what are you doing?" She asked, flustered by my sudden actions. I locked the door behind her and said, "You."

She smirked and pulled me closer.

Turns out, it was an even better setup.

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