Chapter 3- Do I Dare?

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It was the fifth day of college life today. Our class is finally in the dance studio. I'm so excited to finally get to dance. But this also means I might possibly get to see Mina dance too. Why am I so damn creepy? Ahh, stop this weirdness.

"Alright, let's all get started! We're going to start with the hip-hop unit first. Does anyone have experience with hip-hop?" Me and a few other people, including Mina, raised their hands, "come forward, please."

All of us stood up and went to the front.

"Okay, who wants to show what hip-hop is like?" No one raised their hands. Just because I wanted to dance and get this over with, I raised my hand.

"Thank you, Momo, for raising your hand!" The instructor applauded.

"Yaaay, Momo unnie!!" Dahyun cheered.

The instructor put on a hip-hop song and I started to freestyle. I felt the music course throw my body, swaying my hips, stepping my feet back and forth, side to side. I looked at myself, not minding all my classmates staring at me. But there was one stare that was making my stomach churn. Mina's stares. My confidence had built up... was I really trying to impress her? What's wrong with me... Well, whatever. I continued to freestyle, doing simple body waves here and there, kicking and dipping myself down. I followed the beat, pumping my body out to match it. Once the music ended, I stopped with my back to the mirror. Everyone clapped and I went to sit next to Dahyun.

"Unnie, that was amazing!" Dahyun exclaimed.

"Thanks, Dubu," I said, drinking from my water bottle. She helped me wipe some sweat off my neck and face. Maybe I was a little too confident. Next, there was a girl named Chaeyeon who went next. When the music started, she started with very powerful moves. She looked amazing while dancing. She was so smooth with her body waves and her hip swaying. What a charmer. I must've been gaping because Dahyun tapped my shoulder and gave me a look. I chuckled a little, leaning my head on her shoulder. Chaeyeon finished her dance and a guy named Yugyeom stood up. Of course, the hip-hop music started. Honestly, he looked really cool. His steps were more complex and he moved really fast. His leg work was unbelievable, too. And the way he spun, it looked super natural... if that makes sense. The way Yugyeom moved to the beat matched so well, it's making me lose my mind. But, I don't swing that way if you couldn't tell. He finished and Mina stood up. I don't know what my heart just did but it kind of hurt. Even the way she gets up makes my heart flutter. When the music started, I could only pay attention to the way Mina moved. I lifted my head off Dahyun to get a better view. She looked almost... elegant? It's like she's not doing hip-hop but she is. I watched Mina with so much focus, I couldn't tell that Dahyun was tapping me. That is, until she punched my leg.

"D-Dubu, what is it?" I asked.

"Well, your mouth was wide open again... And since you can't stop staring at Mina without hearts floating around you, you should talk to her after class," she whispered.

I almost choked on my spit. I kind of coward. The thought of talking to Mina kind of scared me. I don't wanna look weird and awkward in front of her, even though I'm exactly that. I sighed, mentally, when Mina finished her freestyle dance. She went and sat next to that Sana girl. Sana made eye contact with me again and she smiled this time. She looks cute... like a cute little dog. Or squirrel? I don't know, they're both cute and so is she. Ahh, stop letting your gay show, Momo! The rest of the students who raised their hands went but I didn't pay them any attention like how I should've been. I was just staring at Mina through the mirror, making sure it wasn't obvious that I was staring. I took in all her features. Her shoulder length dark hair, her nice, slender body, the individual moles on her face, with makeup or without makeup, she still looked beautiful. Damn you, Hirai, for being so gay. Class had ended and I got up with Dahyun.

"Here's your chance!" Dahyun whispered and pushed me towards Mina. I glared back at that tofu girl but she only responded with a wink. Aish, this girl. I was about to speak to Mina but I panicked. Instead, I talked with Lee Chaeyeon.

"Ah, Chaeyeon-shi! I thought your performance was amazing," I praised. Why am I such a coward?

"Thank you, Momo-shi! You know, I thought yours was way better, you look so good while dancing," Chaeyeon praised me. What a nice girl.

"Thanks! We should dance together sometime, yeah?"


I didn't have the heart to look at Dahyun after that.

"What the hell was that, unnie?!" Dahyun scolded me.

"I'm sorry, I panicked!" I shallowly shouted. Dahyun sighed and led us to the cafeteria. I sat at the table, glancing at Mina who sat just a few feet away.

I could've talked to her...

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