Chapter 11- You Thought It Was All A Lie?

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I saw a person I never, ever, wanted to see again. My ex-girlfriend, Kei.

"Momo! I finally found you!!" Kei ran up to me, hugging me tight. I didn't wrap my arms around her like how a normal person would do.

"Kei, Not here. Um, Mina, Sana, can I talk to her for a sec?" I asked. They nodded in confusion. I led Kei to a quiet hallway, making sure no one else was in there.

"Why are you here, Kei?" I asked, making it clear I was annoyed with her.

"Here to see you, why?" She asked acting all innocent.

"Drop the act, I don't want to see you."

"Why are you like this now? I thought you said you'd forgive me," she pouted. This is really, really pissing me off.

"Right, you think it's so easy for me to just forget what you did... why did you do it, Kei? Just why?!" I shouted, my tears threatening to come out. She looked down with no response to me.

"Forget it, I'm leaving now–" all of a sudden, Kei grabbed a hold of my wrist and kissed me. This bitter taste was corrupting my mouth. I tried to push her away but she backed me up into the lockers.

"M-Momo..." I heard someone say. Kei pulled away, looking at the source of those words. There, Mina stood there, tears running down her cheeks.

"Mina! Wait, let me–"

"Is this what you do, Momo? You play with my feelings when you have someone else?! Did all those times we've shared give you no clue at all?! Even our little game, was that... all just a lie? Was it all just a big game to you?!" She yelled, her tears coming down harder.

"No, Mina! Please, I thought you–"

"I what, Momo. This whole time, I thought I had a chance with you... I was going to tell you how I feel, I thought you loved me back... but I guess I was wrong!" And Mina ran. My tears finally fell... they fell at the wrong time. I ran towards Mina, trying to catch up to her.

"Mina! Wait!!" I yelled. She kept running but then Sana grabbed ahold of my wrist.

"Momo, don't go after her..." Sana said.

"B-But Sana, I need to tell her she's misunderstanding me!" I pleaded. But chest hurts so much right now.

"If you go after her, she'll have a hard time dealing with her feelings... I'm sorry, Momo," Sana embraced me and I cried on her shoulder. This isn't what I was expecting to happen. Mina loved me and I blew it. I should've told her. I shouldn't have gone with Kei. I should've held Mina... 

Days have passed since the incident happened. Kei ended up enrolling here, so now I have to see her in class since she also enrolled for the dance major. What made things worse was that I found out Mina and Chaeyoung started going out. I admit, it really hurts but there's nothing I could do. It's what I deserved. Everyday, I didn't have the heart to look at Mina anymore. I'm sure she wasn't even looking at me anyway. We decided to split our tables up to end the awkwardness between us all. Chaeyoung, Tzuyu, Nayeon and Mina at a table, Dahyun, Sana, Jeongyeon and me at another. Jihyo switches from table to table for us to be even. Today was any normal day, daydreaming about how I could've prevented this black hole I created in our group.

"I'm really sorry for creating this mess..." I apologized.

"It's okay, unnie. We know it wasn't on purpose," Dahyun comforted me.

"We'll get threw this, Mo. We believe in you," Jeong also comforted.

"I know this is gonna be hard for you but keep going. You can do it, Momoring, if you keep fighting your way through! Momoring hwaiting!" Sana cheerfully said. Jeongyeon and Dahyun joined in as well.

"Momoring, hwaiting!" They said. I smiled and chuckled for a bit. Yet this darkness kept corrupting my mind, changing my emotions. Mina. Mina is all I could think of at this point. I sighed out loud, "What the heck is wrong with me?"

"Can't forget her, huh?" Jeong asked.

"I broke her heart and now she's with someone else, what else can I think of?" I asked, feeling guilt and jealousy wash over me.

"Maybe... try to forget? I mean, obviously but we need to find a way to make you forget your feelings for her," Dahyun suggested.

"Right, we need to find a way to make you forget!"

"Maybe some jokbal, perhaps?" Jeong  suggested.

"I-I don't have an appetite," I said, not minding that those words just came out of my mouth.

"No way, the Hirai Momo has no appetite! At all?!" Jeong kept on going. I chuckled a bit at her exaggerations.

"Then what about dancing? Wanna go freestyle with me? Or cover some favorites?" Sana suggested.

"I don't think I have enough energy to," I felt a little bad rejecting their offers. I know they just want to cheer me up but I can't help but feel worse if I did those. They all reminded me of Mina.

"Guys, I have a request. Can you just keep me away from Mina then. Have me avoid her, block my sight of her. I want to help myself, too," I requested. They nodded in agreement.

"But wait. Can I add on to this?" Sana asked.

"Go ahead," I answered, hoping what she'll say would be helpful.

"How about you temporarily go out with me?" Sana suggested. Dahyun and Jeong widened their eyes, including me, too.

"B-But why?" I asked, obviously bewildered by her suggestion.

"Well, it's to help you forget! Plus, it'll be fake so..." She exclaimed. I mean, we don't have feelings for each other but I guess it'll work. She'll keep me away so it'll look natural if people know we're dating.

"A-Alright then, Sana. I'll go along with your plan," I said, still not really in my comfort zone yet.

"Momoring, hwaiting," Sana yelled again.

"Thanks guys. I don't know what I'd do without you all," I said, bringing them up in a hug.

"No worries, we'll always be there for you. Always," Dahyun said. Lunch ended and Dahyun, me and Sana walked back. But this time, Sana took my hand into her's and intertwined them. Dahyun smirked at us and said, "You two actually look like a couple right now, haha," she laughed.

"I know, right? It feels weird, especially since it's a snake like you, Sana," I joked with her.

"Yeah, sure. You love it, Momoring," Sana made kissy faces and I fake vomited. She pouted in response. It still looks like a normal conversation... expect for our hands. We went inside the class but this time, everyone looked our way, including Kei and Mina. They both scoffed and looked away.

College life hurts...

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