Chapter 8- Are You Okay?

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I sat next to Mina, observing her. She was shivering really bad. I noticed she still had her jacket on so I took it off for her and found a sweater next to her drawers. I put it over her and laid her back in bed and tucked her in. I wiped more of her sweat and sat back down. I'm still mad at myself for not noticing her sickened state. I sighed at myself, clutching onto my hair. But I stopped when I heard Mina whimpering. I looked at her, tears streaming from her closed eyes. She was twisting and turning and kept muttering, 'dad.' I ran to her, shaking her awake, not aggressively though. She shot her eyes open and clutched onto me. I stroked her hair, telling her everything's okay.

"Momo... M-Momo..." she called to me. Her eyes were streaming with tears.

"Shh, Mina... get some rest, you're still sick." She nodded in response and she laid on my chest. To make it more comfortable, I laid down on her bed. My face feels so hot right now. Myoui Mina is sleeping on my chest. I'm screaming inside. I feel like I'm the luckiest girl alive right now. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my– Someone opened the door and I closed my eyes. I don't know why I did but I just closed my eyes as a reflex. I heard some giggles and a camera snap. Did they just– Ahh, I'm such an idiot! They continued snapping pictures so to scare them, I groaned and moved a little. I heard them panic and shuffle and run out the door. I peeked an eye open and saw they left. I felt Mina's head move and looked down to see Mina looking at me, her face just a few centimeters away. And, we stared into each other's eyes again, not moving an inch. Just like last time. W-Why isn't she moving, though? Ehh, why not make a move? I wiped away her tears and I saw her face turn red. Ahhh, she's so cute.

"I-I'm sorry about taking you out today..." I apologized, attempting to make it less awkward.

"No... it wasn't your fault. I didn't want to hurt you so I decided to go. I thought I could have a good time today instead of laying in bed like how I usually do. But, I'm thankful you took me out today, Momo," and she hugged me. I hope she can't hear how fast my heart is beating right now. She's literally leaning on my chest again.

"I should be heading b-back home now..." I said, in the process of getting up. But she pulled me back.

"No! I-I mean... um, stay.. with me. Please," she begged... for me to stay. Oh my god, am I dreaming? The Myoui Mina is actually telling me to stay with her?? What did I do to deserve this type of luck?

"Hehe, alright baby Minari," I teased despite feeling embarrassed right now.

"Shut up..." she whispered. We heard the door open and saw Jihyo, Sana, and Nayeon. They all let out an 'aww' when they saw me and Mina. We both looked at our position again and I panicked. We ended up pushing each other, yet again, away. But the thing is, she pushed me too hard this time and I fell off her bed.

"Oh my gosh, Momo! I'm so sorry!" Mina apologized, rushing over to the other side.

"Ahh, it's fine, Mina. You stay there, you're still sick," I laughed. The three other girls were dying of laughter. I got up and sat next to Mina again.

"Alright, time to split you lovebirds up," Jihyo teased. Gosh, these girls.

"We're not lovebirds..." Mina and I told them.

"Yet," Nayeon added.

"Yeah, sure. Hey, I wonder what Jeong is doing?" I said, hoping to get a reaction out of her.

"Jeongyeon?" She asked, her eyes full of surprise.

"Oh my," Sana went while giggling.

"Wow, Nabongs," I laughed at her.

"Nayeon, you should go confess to your love, Jeongyeon," Jihyo joined in.

"Waah, my 2yeon shiiiiiip!" Sana exclaimed.

"2yeon? Are you serious Sana?" Nayeon questioned, her face flushed red.

"Yeah, Nabongs, go confess! Jeongyeon loves you toooo!" I told Nayeon.

"Y-You're lying! There's no way she'd love me too!" I knew it. Nayeon does like Jeongyeon. And Jeongyeon likes Nayeon~!

"Hey, don't worry Nayeon, it's not like I share a dorm with Jeongyeon–"

"I swear to god, Momo-ah, if you tell her, I'll make sure you never get jokbal! Ever!!" She threatened.

"God no! I swear, I won't tell her! Believe me, Nabongs, please!" I pleaded. I wasn't gonna give up my love for jokbal. I noticed Mina was very quiet while we all talked. I looked down at her to see she fell asleep.

"Guys, Mina fell asleep," I whispered.

"Oh... why don't you give her a kiss?" Sana whispered back.

"Are you crazy?" I asked, my face turning red.

"Well, you like her," Sana just blankly said.

"T-That doesn't matter! I'm not going to harass her while she's sleeping!" I quietly objected.

"Also, you should get going. We'll have Mina take more medicine when she wakes up," I was gonna object but I thought it'd be weird if I did.

"Alright. Wait, let me do one more thing," I went next to Mina again and I kissed her on top of her head. The three girls quietly squealed at my action.

"I thought you said it was harassing?" Sana asked.

"It's just a goodnight kiss..." I said, feeling all bubbly inside.

"Next time, do it on the lips!" She then said.

"Tsk, I'm leaving now. Bye!"

I walked outside the building, jumping and giggling like a weirdo. I can't believe I gave a kiss to Mina!

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