Chapter 4- How Does One Courage?

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"Unnie..." Dahyun sighed. I was supposed to talk to Mina today, yet I got scared and avoided it.

"I'm sorry, Dubu. I just... can't find the courage."

"Then how do I help, unnie?" I honestly couldn't find answers to any of my problems.

"You know, you don't have to help me, Dahyun-ah," I said. I couldn't bare the thought of possibly stressing Dahyun out. She's such a sweet and lovable tofu.

"A-Alright, unnie. But if you need help or someone to talk to, I'm here," Dahyun said.

We went to the cafeteria after class, eating and laughing with our little friend group.

"So get this, Nabongs was walking to the gates, right?" Jeong said.

"Right," we all responded... well Nayeon was just giggling.

"Then all of a sudden, this kid just appears out of nowhere and says,'hey, you're that one Pokémon, right?'" Jeong laughed by herself.

"Unnie, when are you gonna be funny?" Tzuyu, a very savage girl I literally met yesterday, burned Jeong. Her words are painful.

"Yeah! We thought something funny was gonna happen!" Chaeyoung exclaimed.

"Chewy it hurts." Jeongyeon joking clutched onto her chest. What made it funny was Tzuyu's unfazed stare. Jeong was in such disbelief, she fake cried this time. What a weirdo.

"Jeong, stop being weird," I said, cringing at her fake crying.

"Momo, stop eating jokbal," she lashed back.

"I eat as I please."

"They say you are what you eat," Tzuyu then joined in.

"Chewy-ah! Who's side are you on?!" I exclaimed, feeling hurt.

"My own side, Momo unnie," She said, of course, with her resting Yoda face. I pouted in disbelief and the rest of them laughed at us. We all finished our food and were about to head to class until I backed up into a person. I turned around and it was the least person I wanted to back up into. It was Mina.

"Oh crap, I'm sorry!" I said, running to her side. I saw her uniform was stained with coffee.

"Seriously? Watch what you're doing next time!" She yelled.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean–"

"Forget it, I'm going to go clean my uniform," she got up, running away.

"U-Unnie, you okay?" Dahyun said, running to my side. Tears were threatening to come out but I kept them in. I wasn't gonna cry that easily for possibly making my crush hate me. Okay never mind, it hurts.

"I'm fine, Dubu," I said, my voice slightly cracking. I saw a pair of shoes step in front of me. I looked up to see Mina's friend, Sana.

"Umm, hi. I wanted to say sorry for Mina's temper. She's been having a hard time with her feelings. I'm sure she didn't mean to yell at you," Sana said. She helped me up and then introduced herself.

"Well, I'm Sana. I mean, I'm sure you already know me, we're in dance class together," she giggled a little. Then she whispered in my ear, "And I caught you staring at Mina, twice. Why don't you try making a move? But wait, you'll have to go through with me first..." I backed away from Sana, feeling a little scared. What if she told Mina about those little glances I've been stealing.

"Don't worry, I didn't tell her. See you!" And she kissed my cheek and left. What in the heck did I get myself into?!

"S-She... I..." I didn't have any words. I couldn't speak any words. I was knocked out of my faze when Tzuyu slapped my face.

"What the hell, Tzuyu-ah!" I yelled.

"You weren't moving so I..."

"Ahh, never mind that. Thanks Tzuyu-ah."

"Hey Momo, why'd that girl kiss you?" Jeong asked.

"Yeah, tell us Momo-ah! Who was that girl, your girlfriend?!" Nabongs practically screamed.

"Nooo, she's a girl in my class and I barely know her! I don't know why she kissed me, too!" I speed-walked to class, with Dahyun trailing behind me. We got to our class and I saw Mina, sitting with a clean uniform.

"Alright Momo unnie. Go apologize. I give you my courage, haha," Dahyun patted my back and I went ahead. But I quickly turned around.

"Dahyun-ah, how does one courage?!" I whispered in a panic.

"That doesn't even make sense, unnie. Never mind that, just go say you're sorry and you wanna become friends, that's it!"

"Alright, I've got this!" I proceeded and I went in front of Mina's desk.

"Umm, Myoui-shi, I'm really sorry about what I did. I didn't see you there when I backed up. I hope you can accept my apology," I apologized.

"Oh, it's alright Hirai-shi... I was just stressed today that's why I yelled. I'm really, really sorry for yelling at you when you were trying to help," Mina apologized to me, too. It was silent for a bit.

"I, um, I was hoping we could become friends, too?" I stuttered.

"Oh, of course. Let's exchange numbers, maybe we can meet after class, then?"

"Alright, cool."

I went up to my seat next to Dahyun. I was screaming inside.

"D-Dubu, did you see that??" I quietly exclaimed.

"I did, unnie! Congrats, you got your crush's number," she whispered back, "so, are you guys gonna meet when classes are over?"

"Even better. We're gonna meet after this class ends," I was so excited. Unbelievably excited.

"Oh that's right. You don't have any classes after this one. Good luck then, unnie," Dahyun winked.

Class had finally ended and I was on my way out when someone grabbed my wrist.

"Oh... hi, Minatozaki-shi," I awkwardly greeted.

"So, Momo, you got my best friends number?"

"I-I guess so..."

"Also, we're friends now so just call me Sana! And Mina said she was gonna be a little late so she told me to wait with you at the front gates."

"Alright, let's go."

We proceeded to the gate until Sana pulled my wrist again and pinned me to a wall.

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