Chapter 7- How Long?

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Yesterday's events had me feeling nervous today. Geez, what am I going to do? I can't stop replaying the way Mina stared into my eyes. I keep giving myself high hopes even though I shouldn't. But I can't help but feel I have a chance... no. She only just stared back because I stared at her first. I heavily sighed as I watched the t.v screen.

"You okay, Mo?" Jeong asked. I must've been sulking this entire time for no reason.

"Nah, just something happened yesterday," pretty low of me, I know.

"You wanna talk about it?"

"Well, it's pretty petty if I ask myself."

"Let me guess, it has something to do with your love for Mina?" Yep, she got me.

"Yeah... it's just, I keep having high hopes. Actually believing I have a chance. On top of that, we literally just became friends. I'm a girl for crying out loud!" I ranted.

"Oh, Momo. There's nothing wrong with liking a girl. It's human feelings, you can't help it, right? Don't beat yourself up since society sucks and can't handle people being people!" She moved closer and embraced me, "We'll help you, Momo. We haven't known each other for long but you're a dear friend."

I smiled and tightened the embrace in response.

"Thanks, Jeong."

"No probleMO!"

"Jeong, that pun sucked."

"Hey, that took a while to think of!" Jeong pouted and I patted her head. What a dork.

"Hey, since you know who I like, do you have anyone special?" I asked her. Her face flushed red. Wow, what a reaction.

"I-It's...." she's hesitating.

"Oh come on! I told you my crush in a matter of seconds!"

"Ahh! It's Nayeon! I like Nayeon..." she looked down shyly. I started to laugh cause I've never seen Jeong this way.

"Dude, look at your face! Hahahah!"

"I-It's human reactions!" I continued laughing while she started slapping me.

"Ow! Oww! The hell, Jeong! I was just joking!" I laughed in pain this time. Is this what they call karma?

"So, when're you gonna tell her?" I asked, rubbing my burning arm.

"Not anytime soon."

"Ehh, why?"

"Just cause I'm not ready. How bout you? When're you gonna tell Mina you like her?"

"Well, we just met so I'm gonna wait and get to know her more. I don't wanna come off as creepy, you know?"

"Yeah, understandable. Though, don't wait too long. She might get someone else~!"

"Ahhhh! Don't put bad things in my head!!"

"That's your fault for being such a pabo anyways."

I glared at Jeongyeon. I mean, I guess it's true.

"I... kind of wanna hangout with her today?" I confusedly said.

"Well, go ahead."

"But the thing is... yesterday while we were practicing we like... had that... moment.."

"Ohhh, I totally forgot about this! Spill it!"

"Well, it's nothing special but it's like... weird. After the song ended we stared into each other's eyes for a little while.." I felt embarrassed saying that.

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