Chapter 10- Why Would You Do That?

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It's been a week since Mina and I started this whole flirting game. So far, I have 10 points and she has 8. I'm winning by two and I'm proud of it. This also means I've been more affectionate with Mina. I also can't help but feel like crap, though. This is probably just a game for her, a friendly but flirty game.

"Hey lovebirds," Jihyo greeted us at lunch. All of us decided to combine our table so there's nine of us sitting together.

"We're not lovebirds," Mina and I said in unison.

"Then why are you guys so close?" She asked. I didn't have an answer besides it's a game. But knowing Jihyo, she wouldn't buy it. We both didn't answer. It kind of hurts to admit but I wish these feelings were mutual and not just a game between us. I know she probably doesn't want to be with someone like me so she's going along with my joke to not hurt me... possibly. I only say 'we're not lovebirds' because I don't want to creep Mina out. But yet we're flirting, so why am I so worried right now? Stupid Momo...

"Really? No answer?" We shook our heads. She laughed and continued eating her chicken.

"Hey unnies," Tzuyu greeted.

"Sup, Chewy-ah," I greeted back.

"Where's Sana unnie?" She asked.

"She stayed back to get help on our new dance unit," Mina answered.

"Huh, okay."

"Why, you like her?" Mina asked, still munching on her food.

"I- No..." Tzuyu stuttered. And she's blushing! The Chou Tzuyu is actually blushing.

"Who knew Chou Tzuyu would get this shy," I teased her.

We continued to eat while waiting for the other girls. Mina then took my chopsticks and grabbed one of the jokbal pieces. I covered my mouth.

"Momoring, open up. I know you can't resist the taste of jokbal forever!" She teased me. I will not let her get that point.

"I'm not letting you get another point to catch up!" I retorted back.

"Fine, then." And she was about to put the piece in her mouth when I ate the piece, my face just centimeters away from hers. She flinched, her face turning red.

"Hah! 11 points now!" I cheered and jumped from my seat.

"Shut up pig," she glared.

"Can't take defeat?" I asked teasingly. She pouted in response.

"Calm down, we're still eating," Jihyo said.

"Okay..." Me and Mina settled down. On the other hand, Tzuyu was laughing at us.

A few minutes have passed and the rest of our group were finally here.

"All of us should hangout together or have a party," Jihyo announced, "Obviously not today but some other time, all nine of us!"

"I agree, it'd be super fun to hangout," Nabongs agreed. It'd be pretty chaotic if you ask me. I mean, I love these girls a lot but in a room all together, it'd be crazy. Lunch had ended and all of us waved goodbye to each other. Dahyun, Sana, Mina and me headed to the dance class. We stayed in class, learning about the next upcoming units and expectations. again. Honestly, I wasn't paying much attention to the teacher. It didn't seem all this important to spend an hour talking about expectations. Why would we need to go over expectations anyway?

A few minutes passed and turns out, we weren't going to go over expectations. It was a free hour, for once. I led Dahyun over to Mina and Sana with me.

"Guys, let's ask if we can go into the second dance studio," Sana suggested.

"Alright, you go ask, then," I said.

"Ehh, but I don't want tooooo," Sana complained.

"You suggested it," I called her out.

"No! I'm not letting go that easily. Not it!" She yelled.

"Not it!" Dahyun, me and Mina yelled. I was slightly off, though.

"Go, Momoring!" She pushed me and I didn't want to do it either.

"Not it!" I yelled. They responded. Mina was off this time.

"Ugh, just do Rock Paper Scissors!" Sana impatiently said.

"Three loses and you go ask," I set the rules.

"You're on!"

We played about six rounds of Rock Paper Scissors and guess who won? I did! I pushed Mina towards our teacher like the way she pushed me earlier. She glared back and went to ask.

"So, when are you going to confess, unnie?" Dahyun asked me.

"Yeah, confess your love to Mina-chan."

"I don't know, it still feels too early. I mean, we've grown closer already but I don't want our friendship to go down now," I said, feeling a little bad.

"Unnie... it's okay. I'll give you more courage soon!" Dahyun cheered me up.

"Ahah, thanks Dubu. But when is the right time I tell Mina my feelings?" I asked.

"That's something you have to find out by yourself, Momo," Sana told me. She's right, I shouldn't be asking for help constantly.

"Crap, she's coming back!" Sana said. She slapped me and Dahyun to distract us from our conversation we just had.

"Sana unnie, owww~!" Dahyun whined.

"What the hell, Sana!" I yelled at her. That really hurt... Sana went up to my ear and said, "Look, she's mad because I slapped you. She's protective of her things."

I looked towards Mina who had fire in her eyes. Is she really? Wait, no. She's mad because Sana slapped me AND Dahyun. Of course she'll be mad because why would you slap our Dubu?

"So, what'd teacher-nim say?" Dahyun asked Mina.

"He said we're allowed to go there if we don't distract classes," she said.

We traveled to the second dance room, being extra quiet. When we arrived, we sat in the floor just talking and laughing together.

About an hour passed and class was over. I was going to hangout with Sana and Mina since Dahyun had to stay after with Chaeyoung and Tzuyu. We walked out and waited atop the stairs. When the amount of students died down, we went down and through the doors. When I opened the door, I saw someone I had never expected, or wanted, to see again.

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