Chapter 13- You're Okay With It?

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Today, Jihyo was going to holding the party at some karaoke place. She rented a little party room that'll fit all nine of us. I do admit, I'm still feeling awkward with how things are but this'll help us. It'll bring us closer just like before. I was already ready so I sat on the couch, watching cartoons. I heard someone knock on the door and yelled, "it's open!"

"Hey, Momo," Chaeyoung greeted.

"Oh, Chaengie, Jeong is still getting ready for the party," I said.

"Alright," she sat next to me on the couch, watching the cartoon with me. I saw her look around the dorm even though she's been here a ton of times. Probably feeling awkward? Aish, this awkwardness is killing me.

"You excited for the party?" I asked.

"Yeah, it'll be the first time in a while going to a small party," she answered with a smile.

"...Chaengie. Let's not be awkward anymore. I can't take it," I blurted out.

"I'm sorry, Momo. It's just that, I don't want you to dislike me because I'm dating Mina. I never wanted things to turn out this way but when she confessed to me, I just accepted..." Hearing that kind of hurts but it's Chaeyoung. I would never get mad at her because she's dating someone I have a crush on. I'm just jealous, I guess. But I'm not letting it show. Because I'm going to be alright.

"Chaengie... I told you. I'm dating Sana. She's helping me and she loves me, too. I also love her..." I said, reassuring her.

"So you mean, it's not fake?" She asked. I didn't want to lie but I had to. I'm too stupid for my own good.

"It isn't fake, I swear. I'm not one to play with feelings," I said. She smiled and sat back. At least it wasn't entirely a lie.

"I want you to be happy with Mina, okay?"

"Okay, Momo. Thank you, too," and she hugged me. This baby cub. I patted her head and we continued watching.

A few minutes passed and we heard someone knock on the door.

"It's open," Me and Chaeyoung said in unison. We saw Sana open the door with a wide smile.

"Hey Baby Cub! Momoring~!" She ran to me and hugged me.

"You girls ready for the party today?" Sana asked us.

"Yep, we're excited!" I answered. We heard Chaeyoung's phone ring and saw Mina's name. She was FaceTiming Chaeyoung.

"Hey, mind if I take this call?" Chae asked.

"Oh, go ahead. You can go in my room if you want," I smiled at her. Man, it really hurts. Chaeyoung smiled and went to my room but she didn't close the door.

"Sana, I can hear her," I closed my eyes. In response, Sana put her hands over my ears, preventing me from hearing anything. I peeked my eye open and saw Sana smiling. I feel like my heart should be pounding but it's not.

"Can you lean your head closer? Just so it doesn't look suspicious," I requested.

"Sure," she leaned closer and was just a few centimeters away. We heard the door open and Jeong yelling, "Whoa!"

We looked back at Jeong who was looking at us. Sana motioned for Jeong to come over and whispered something to her. Probably about my distraction plan.

"Ohhhh, Yeah! I totally forgot, I gotchu!" She exclaimed.

Chaeyoung came back with a confused look.

"Why did my no jam bro yell?" She asked.

"I... kind of just witnessed them... you know, kiss?" Jeong acted.

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