Chapter 9- A Game?

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Monday had come and I was feeling as happy as ever. I was walking to class with Dahyun, telling her all about the things that happened between me and Mina. We also talked about how we could set up Nayeon and Jeong together since we all know their feelings towards each other... except for them.

"So, should we set up some kind of date for them?" I asked, trying to come up with different plans.

"A date between the two of them... but how?"

"Maybe we could get a person to lead Nabongs somewhere and another person to lead Jeong to the same place. Then, the two people will act like they have something important to do and then Nabongs and Jeong will end up together!" I explained. I'm so proud of myself.

"Wow, unnie. You may be a big dummy but this is honestly genius," she somewhat complimented me.

"You got that right," I, again, proudly admitted. We walked inside class and I waved to Mina and Sana.

"Unnie, go talk to your love first," Dahyun teased me.

"You're lucky no one heard that," I said, pouting at her.

"Good luck, again, unnie," and she winked. I walked over to them, crouching in front of their desk.

"Good morning, Momoring," Mina greeted.

"Morning, Minari.. Snake." I nodded to Sana who pouted. Mina and I laughed at her face.

"So mean, Momoring..."

"I was just joking, Satang! You know I love you," I jokingly blew her a kiss. She then mouthed, "Do that to Mina." I choked on my spit. I really wasn't expecting Sana to do that. I should've though, pabo Momo!

"Momo, are you okay? Here, have some water," Mina said while giving me her water bottle.

"I-I'm... fine, Minari. It's yours!" I said between coughs.

"I insist, take the water bottle," she shoved the bottle in my hands.

"Thanks, Mina," I thanked while downing the water. Sana just sat there, laughing at me. That earned a slap and glare from Mina. So cute~!

"Ouch! Mina-chan! You're that protective over your love?!"

"S-Shut up, snake!" Her face became red. Oh crap, is that a sign? Nah, I'm getting my hopes up again. She's probs embarrassed because Sana said that super loud. I would be embarrassed, too.

"See you guys after class?" I asked, letting them continue their... fight? Teasing? I don't know.

"Yep!" They said in unison. I chuckled while going back to my seat.

"Alright, we're going to go into the dance studio for the Waltz Unit now!" The teacher announced. A lot of the kids groaned as Waltz wasn't something we usual like to dance to. I mean, I kind of like it. Mainly because of Mina, heheh. We went into the dance studio and sat around the walls as always. But this time, Sana and Mina sat next to me and Dahyun. But, of course, Dahyun always has to tease me so she pushed me, making me run into Mina.

"Yah, Dubu! M-Mina, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to run into you," I apologized all flustered. I glared at Dahyun who stuck her tongue out at me.

"It's okay, Momoring, I know it was an accident," she softly smiled. We both laughed it off and class started.

"Alright, class. Does anyone know how to Waltz?" He asked. Me and Mina raised our hands, only to see we were the only ones who had raised our hands.

"Oh... two girls. Well, um, why don't you girls show us, then?" Obviously bewildered by the fact two girls had to show how to dance to Waltz. Geez, society does suck. Sana and Dubu started 'cheering' and teasing us. Some of our classmates caught on and started whistling. I'm so embarrassed right now...

We got into the stance and the music started. I was male lead again because I can only lead so far. I took her with me, stepping back, to the side, forward, and spinning her. I stared only at Mina, who stared back at me. I could only see this beautiful sight in front of me, not minding our classmates observing us. It was like I was in my own world, a world only with Mina. My heart was practically beating out of my chest as I led this angel I'm holding. When the music ended, we didn't stare back at each other again. We went back to our spot and sat. Everyone was giggling and I looked at them confused. Sana pointed to me and Mina's hands and saw we were still holding them. We both pulled our hands away. Of course, everyone started laughing and I looked down, trying to keep in my laughter, too. I looked over at Mina who was seriously blushing. Ahh, she's so cute when she's embarrassed. We continued class and the teacher taught everyone else. Mina and I sat at the walls, talking and playing with each other.

"You know, Mina, you looked really pretty while dancing," I complimented.

"You too, Momoring. I think I might want to dance with you more," she giggled.

"That's my line! I'd love to dance you more. No, I would want to dance with you everyday!" I joked.

"Momo, your words are so sweet, it's almost like you're flirting with me."

"Who knows, maybe I am, Minari," I was surprised I just said that. Am I getting courage??

"Is that so? Two can play that game, Momoring," she slyly said. Whoa, who knew such a soft and quiet penguin would say that? Turns out Myoui Mina has lots of traits to figure out. I leaned close to her ear and said, "Game on, Mina." She moved away, covering her ear.

"One point for me!" I exclaimed. She glared back at me and huffed. So cute.

"Just you wait, Momo. I'll make sure you go down to -300 points!" Mina jokingly shouted back. I never knew she could get that loud. Mina is really opening up to me today, it's amazing. My chances are increasing.

A/n: Happy Jihyo Day!!

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