Chapter One: The Second Stone

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Shockwave's Profile:

  I searched the area where they found the Revive Stone. As I was leaving I tripped on something, when I looked to see what I tripped on I couldn't believe my optic.

Megatron's Profile:

  The moment I got back on the Nemesis I shut myself up in my room. My sons were at the door knocking asking to be let in but I needed to be alone. I just lost my only chance to get my mate back. After an hour of being in my room I left to go to the bridge. There is where I found Shockwave holding a Revive Stone demanding to see me.

Elita's Profile:

  I hugged Optimus. We were back on Earth and I was thrilled to be alive. My love was holding me in his arms and I couldn't care what the Decepticons were up too. It was great to see the team again, especially Alpha Trion. He was like a father to me.

  Optimus then nuzzled his helm against my neck. " Looks like someone missed me."

  " You have no idea." Optimus muttered a giant smile on his face.

  " Does he know?" I asked, Optimus turned his helm and looked me in the optics.

  " No. I wanted to protect him and not end up like Starscream." Optimus said kissing my faceplate.

  " We will tell him when the time is right." I decided, no need to dump all of this on the young one in the middle of a war.

  " You always have good ideas." Optimus said kissing me. 

  After a nice long kiss, a wrench came flying at us at sonic speeds. " GET A ROOM!" Yelled Ratchet making me laugh.

  He never could stand us kissing in public.

Megatron's Profile:

  I gently placed the Revive Stone into Moonglider. She then began to open her optics and breathe again. I hugged her tight against me. Looks like I haven't failed after all.

  " Now that the happy couple is back, may you leave so I can work on Shockwave?" Knockout said irated.

  " What did you do?" Moonglider asked as I picked her up heading to the my room where our sons were.

 "Imight'vethrownhimacrossthebridgeandattackedhimtogetheReviveStonehewasholding." Yes! I said it so fast she will never-

  " You really should've just asked for it." Shoot, she heard me perfectly.

  Moonglider gently kissed my faceplates. " Don't worry"

  We then entered the room where Soundwave and Starscream were sitting on the berth. The moment they saw us, Starscream jumped up. I gently placed my mate on the ground helping her stand.

  " My baby boy!" Moonglider said hugging her son close and kissing him all over.

  Starscream just took it smiling so big it was a wonder his faceplates didn't stay that way. Soundwave slowly came over but Moonglider pulled him to her and started kissing him as well. Both boys fell asleep in the middle of all the affection giving, causing Moonglider to stop and lay them both on the berth. I kissed her helm and hugged her tight while she sang to the boys. 

  When she was done singing she spun around and kissed me. I put my servos on her waist and pulled her close kissing her deep. Once we stopped kissing she laid her helm onto my chest. Not even a moment later she was asleep.

  I curled up beside my sons with Moonglider sleeping between both me and our sons. WIth a faint smile on my face I gently kissed all of my family and went to sleep myself.

  I hope you've enjoyed the first chapter of Darkness Rising! The book before this one is Megatron's Son in case you want to go in order. Stay Cool guys and Peace Out! -JanjaFan 😎✌

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