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Starscream's Profile:

I groundbridged over to where the signal was coming from. It was strange. I felt like I should know whoever this was. For better or worse I didn't know...yet.

After rounding another corner in this crazy forest I saw a lone mech standing. I recognized him immediately.

" MAXIMO!" I yelled waving at him.

Maximo jumped thirty feet into the air and whipped around holding a taser. I walked over to him as he put down the taser once he realized who I was.

" Sorry." Maximo just gave a gesture that meant it was okay.

" What are you doing here?" I asked curiously.

" Escaping my siblings." I laughed at that. I couldn't blame him.

" Want to join the Decepticons?" I offered holding out my servo, Maximo took it instantly.

When we got back on the Nemesis I headed over to the Throne Room where my family still was. They had decided I should go since I was good with words...most of the time.

" Dad meet Maximo Prime." Maximo and Dad talked for a while, then left the room.

When they came back into the room I saw Decepticon symbols on Maximo. Soundwave nodded his approval. Mom walked over to Dad and began talking to him. I didn't care though, my best friend was here and I wanted to hang out.

" Hey Maximo! Want to go flying with me? We can see who is faster." With that the greatest race in history occurred.

Elita's Profile:

I was walking down one of the hallways of the base, making sure everything was still functional. Suddenly I slipped on some oil that I failed to notice. However, before I hit the ground someone caught me.

" Careful. We can't harm ourselves at a time like this." I smiled back at Alpha Trion.

It looked like that he just woke up. Probably since he is the entrance of his room. 

" Looks like we're going to have to clean that up." I said looking at the oil accusingly.

" Yes looks like we do." Alpha Trion said laughing.

With that we walked to the Main Room to get some towels to clean it all up. However, just as we were going to go back and clean up the mess, Alpha Trion grabbed my shoulder. I looked up at him and saw that he had an unreadable expression.

I turned back to see twelve high power signals. It was like someone turned on a spotlight or started a bonfire but on a much larger scale. Alpha Trion had let go of me a couple moments ago but I didn't notice.

" W-what is that?!" Alpha Trion looked down at me his face serious.

" I don't know but it can't be good. Go get Optimus I'll get Ratchet." I rushed off to get my mate.

I was going so fast I almost passed our door. Entering swiftly, I ran through the office to the secret room. I jumped on his chest and practically yelled at him to get up.

Optimus's Profile:

I have to say it was one of the craziest wake up calls I ever got. The impact on my chest woke me up instantly, I was still hurting just a bit on how hard Elita jumped on me, and my audios was almost gone as well.

Alpha Trion and Ratchet were in the room while Elita practically dragged me into the room. Rubbing my aching chest I turned to all of them for an explanation.

" Elita when I said for you to wake Optimus up I didn't mean jump on him." Alpha Trion said knowingly, I still hate the Decepticons for doing those midnight raids while Elita was on watch.

" Sorry love." Elita said giving me a quick kiss which did help but it didn't take away how swore I was from the craziness.

I then looked at Alpha Trion for an explanation with Ratchet.

" Me and Elita found this." Alpha Trion said showing us the crazy energy ratings on the computer. This better not be the Decepticons.

" Optimus. This needs to be investigated immediately." Ratchet said, I nodded.

" Ratchet can you wake up the others?" I asked. 

Ratchet grabbed his wrench and then went out and yelled, " EVERYBODY WAKE UP!!!!"

Everyone ran in. They knew what the punishment was if you dared to be the last one in. Sadly that person was Wheeljack and Seaspray who were wondering why Bulkhead was running like crazy trying to get into the room.

Well they found out the hard way. After two solid hits to the helm with a wrench everyone stood at attention, or rubbing their helms.

" Care to explain the ruckus Doc?" Wheeljack asked holding his hands up just in case Ratchet threw another wrench.

" Yes. Take a look at the screen." The other Autobots optics grew huge.

" We're checking it out. Ratchet come with us in case someone needs medical treatment. Alpha Trion-" I started giving out orders.

" I'll man the bridge. I'm not very useful in the mornings." Alpha Trion said with a smile opening the groundbridge.

" Autobots! Transform and roll out!" I said pointing at the groundbridge.

We all raced through the groundbridge as it closed behind us. Once we transformed we krept to the center of the energy. Standing there were eleven bots. I recognized them immediately. The primes.

" It's your fault! You made him upset!" Megatronus yelled at Onyx.

" No I didn't! I told him to go talk to someone who cares! It's Prima's fault!" Onyx then pointed to Prima.

" MY FAULT! I just told him the truth! The truth can hurt!" The Primes kept arguing over who's fault it was when Solus screamed.


" Uh guys..." Vector pointed at us. " I think we just got caught."

The Primes all whipped around and saw us all standing there trying to process all what we were seeing. Onyx growled and flopped to the ground.

" Great." Prima said crossing his arms.

" Sorry about my brothers Autobots." Solus apologized making all of her brothers look at her with a 'WHAT' expression.

" We are trying to find out what happened to Maximo." Solus said sadly. " He left our realm and has gone missing!"

Hey guys! What do you think the Primes will think about Maximo being a Decepticon? And I left a few more clues about who the murderer is in this chapter. Anyways, Stay Cool guys and Peace Out! -JanjaFan 😎✌

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