Chapter Twenty One: Battle!!!

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???'s Profile:

  The fight is coming! The fight is coming! I simply cannot wait to WIN! Now I don't have that book but I do have time! Now just to wait...tapping my fingers on my throne. Dark, passionate, beautiful... evil thoughts fill me!

  There is always a dark side to things. This is where they come realm. Sighing in satisfaction, I got up from my throne and walked over to my balcony. No one could stop me from beating that author!

  Once that writer was out of the way I could take over the internet! Now, to make a trap. This will be fun~

Optimus's Profile:

  I smiled at my son as he played a game of chess with Soundwave. Soundwave was betting him but Bee still seemed to be having a good time. My spark was very happy for them, I once caught Shockwave watching Soundwave. However, when Shockwave realized I knew he immediately stopped.

  " Optimus." Glancing back, I saw Megatron standing behind me.

  " Megatron." Megatron then gave me a gesture to follow him.

  We walked out of the throne room all the way outside. Megatron wrapped his arms around me suddenly and hugged me tight. Surprised, I hugged back, maybe the war could end! That thought alone made me want to celebrate.

  However, our brotherly moment ended when a huge explosion was heard out where we had battled Alpha Trion.

???'s Profile:

  " HA!" I laughed looking at the giant purple crater I created.

  Such destructive energy, I LOVE IT! With a flick of my wrist, an entire wing of Unicron's Castle fell.

  " Such nice powers! This realm is feeding me, so I can never be defeated! At least here." I watched as the two brothers, Optimus and Megatron, came over to me.

  " Why hello there...are you here to pledge your allegiance to me?" Both brothers glared while I laughed.

  Their dark sides were easy to feed on. The anger towards me was like opening up a gate to a path! A path right to their dark sides. Soon a dark eroma was around me.

  " Thanks boys for the power boost! Maybe I should keep you two around?" Using my new powers, I sent both brothers flying back to the castle.

  This was almost too much fun!

Bumblebee's Profile:

  Staring in shock, my dad and uncle flew over me and right into the Primes. Knocking all thirteen over.

  " What's going on?!" Starscream asked a bit startled.

  " New...evil..." Uncle grunted.

  " Very...Powerful.." My dad finished very much in pain.

  All of us looked at each other worried. If someone could send both of them from like fifty acres away to the castle in less than a minute this was a dangerous threat. Everyone seemed to be thinking the same thing.

  " JOIN ME OR FACE THE CONSEQUENCES!!!" Shouted a voice.

  Turning, there was a figure made entirely of darkness. It was a mix of human and Cybertronian. Everyone thing about this figure read fear and powerful.

  " I am DarkFan!" Before I could, or anyone for that matter, could say anything Arcee mocked her.

  " So basically, you just copied JanjaFan's name since your a darkside?" Arcee was then smashed through the entire Castle's walls and out of the building, serves her right.

  Rule One of Mocking Powerful People, you don't. Easy to remember and simple people!!!

  However, now we have to fight. " NONE OF YOU CAN DEFEAT ME!!!" DarkFan yelled flying high in the air, ready to strike us with dark lightning.

  There was no way we all could defeat her. She was much too powerful. Suddenly, I felt stronger. Looking around, I noticed the human writer sitting on a rock holding open the book writing in it.

-Everyone (Except DarkFan) Earns 60% strength, 50% hit power, 80% stronger armor. -

  " WHAT ABOUT ME!!!" DarkFan yelled angry.

-DarkFan wins a quarter-

  " ....are you serious?" DarkFan murmured, the writer just nodded and went back into the book.

  Suddenly a new author appeared. " Hey lgray1109." The writer said.

  lgray1109 pulled out her book and summoned a character. It was a femme, she was primarily black but had grey on her. The grey matched her optics. In her servos were a scythe.

  This femme read, dangerous.

  " Reaper? From lgray1109's universe? Are you serious?" DarkFan said brushing aside the idea of another warrior to fight against her.

  Reaper obviously proved her wrong because she threw a knife causing DarkFan to fall. DarkFall was irate as she stood up. I gulped silently, DarkFan summoned to giant fireballs and threw them at us.

  Primus quickly ran and grabbed the fireballs and chucked them back at DarkFan. Everyone else who had powers were sending different attacks at her. Taking a deep breath, I charged into battle.

Starsceam's Profile:

  DarkFan was hard to fight. Every blast of energy I threw at her with the others; she would just reflect it and keep fighting. Stopping, I realized this would never work. We needed a new plan.

  Suddenly, it hit me. It was so obvious I nearly facepalmed for overlooking it! JanjaFan loved writing, so if DarkFan is the dark side of her...

  Running off I went to set up my plan. This was going to be great!

Reaper's Profile:

  Strike, dodge, miss, hit, repeat. My blades kept striking the monster but she didn't fall. Rolling away from another attack, I charged and tried to land a blow that would keep the monster away from the others. I spared glances at the people in this universe. So much like mine, but not the same.

  Then I was flying. Hitting the ground hard, I groaned. This monster of a being had to be stopped!

  " Poor poor Reaper. In a world all alone. What would your child think? The mother it needs in a another world?" The words hit hard.

  It was a trap, I could tell! However, I couldn't stop listening. Thankfully a blast knocked DarkFan off her groove allowing the spell of her words to break. Rushing forward, I ran to attack the monster. She couldn't get away with this!

  " Pss! Wait!" I turned and spotted this universe's Starscream.

  " I have an idea. But I need your help." Coming over to him, he told me his plan.

  " This will be interesting..." I said with a smile, more than happy to join this plan.

What are Reaper and Starscream up to? Find out in the next chapter! Stay Cool and Peace Out! -JanjaFan 😎✌

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