Chapter Four: Energon

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Elita's Profile:

  " Maximo?" I quickly did a head count. " Aren't you missing two?"

  The Primes all went deadly silent. Both Megatronus and Onyx hugged Solus who was whimpering and shaking.

  " Don't mention him." Prima said dead serious.

  " Okay... What can we do to help?" Smokescreen asked.

  " We would be glad to help." Optimus offered, although I could feel his irritation through our bond.

  Optimus really didn't like a few of the Primes. And by a few I mean like 85% of them. They had different views on some situations.

  " Thank you Optimus." Prima said.

  We soon all went back into the base. However, Alpha Trion was no longer there. A note was placed on the GroundBridge control.

  ' Gone to clean up spill outside my room. -Alpha Trion'

  " Oh yeah. I forgot about that." I murmured.

  I went over to help him while the others talked. However, Optimus called me over for my input on something so I did a 180 and went back over to them.

Starsceam's Profile:

  I laughed as me and Maximo had another tie. " I guess we're both the fastest fliers."

  " Yeah." Maximo said smiling at me.

  We both headed back into get some energon. Once we entered the Rec Room all of the Vechions bowed their helms in respect to the two of us. I grabbed two energon cubes. Both had a cold tint to them which was good since we were both were overheating a bit.

  After having our energon we headed over to the bridge, were Soundwave was. He was on his giant computer which he didn't let anyone touch. Not even me. He has this whole thing where if someone dares touch it the computer can be destroyed. It was like his prized possession. No, it WAS his prized possession. 

  " Hey Soundwave!" I called out.

  Soundwave just turned at me and nodded his head in greeting. I walked over to him and noticed that he just found a new mine.

  " A new mine?" I asked.

  Soundwave nodded once more then pointed at both me and Maximo. "You want us to go?" Maximo asked.

  Soundwave gave a thumbs up emoji on his visor.

  " Okay we'll scout it out then call for some miners if we find any Energon." I said.

  Soundwave opened a groundbridge and both me and Maximo walked through. The mine was a cave behind some vines and boy was it a mine. It was filled with glowing blue energon. My tank growled in desire. That was enough energon to sustain us for years!

  Maximo gave a low whistle. " That's a steal. Let's go call those miners before the Autobots show up." He joked.

  " Soundwave get those miners. We're rich!" I said over my comm as Maximo touched the energon just to make sure it was real. It was.

  When the miners came through they looked in shock at the energon then immediately went to work. An hour later we only had a hundreth of the energon here. The miners were busy and Maximo was making sure the cave didn't fall in from all the crazy mining going on. I would assist miners loading up the energon they hang out with Maximo.

  Five hours later we only had 10% of the cave's energon and there was still more! " I think the Decepticons can win the war with all this." Maximo said.

  " And then revive Cybertron and not have to beat a sweat!" I added.

  We both laughed at that. The miners were taking a short fifteen minute break while we checked for Autobots. None yet, so far so good.

  We mined until it was midnight. By that time we had half of the cave's energon. That's when they showed up.

Arcee's Profile:

  " Where can he be?!" Amalgamous said frustrated as he came back with no leads whatsoever.

  The rest of the Primes came back a couple minutes later not haven't found anything. We were searching too but we still didn't know how to find Maximo. Only the Primes knew but they weren't sharing anything.

  " Optimus I've found mine." Ratchet said becoming Optimus over.

  " The energon there is high. Perhaps Maximo is there." Unknown said, I still feel bad for the guy's name.

  " We should check it out." Nexus said.

  All of us stood at the ready and went through the groundbridge. Once the Primes were all through Alpha Trion walked in and held his servo on the groundbridge controls nodding to us. All of us ran through as the groundbridge it closed.

  " Wow." Solus said while the rest of us tried to find our voices.

  It was wow indeed. The cave was half way empty but it still had enough energon to sustain someone for years. If we got the rest of that energon we would be good enough for years. I then heard laughing. We all turned and saw that right above us was Starscream...and Maximo?!?!

  " He's a con!?" Shouted-whispered Micronus pointing at Maximo's shoulder.

  A groundbridge opened behind us and Vector somehow made us disappear. Out walked Megatron and...MOONGLIDER?!?!

  Moonglider laughed and clung on to Megatron's arm who was smiling. It was a true smile... The couple walked straight passed us and flew up to the rock where Maximo and Starscream were. We all looked at each other as we re-appeared.

  We all got out our weapons, including the Primes, and walked out into the open. Except the Primes stayed hidden. The four cons looked shocked to see us. However, the shock wore off fast and all of them, including Maximo, were holding weapons.

  " MAXIMO!" Solus yelled running out with the rest of the Primes.

  Really? All that for an entrance? I felt a bit of anger rise up in me.

  " Huh WHAT!" Maximo yelled shocked.

  " Why did you leave brother?" Prima asked. 

  " All of you should know why. I can't let it happen again!" Maximo yelled.

  I realized that something was going on. There was something we were missing. However, before anyone could ask anything a blast went off and the battle began. When the dust cleared I noted that the rest of the energon was going through our groundbridge with the wreckers pushing it through.

  I'm going to have to thank those three later. All four cons were okay and so were we...mostly. Onyx had 'accidtally' burnt all of his siblings except Solus. Somehow I don't think that's possible. Megatronus's burns were the worst, how he was not crying or screaming I didn't know.

  " Give us Maximo back!" The Primes all demanded.

And cliffhanger. Don't worry I'll update soon. Stay Cool guys and Peace Out! -JanjaFan 😎✌

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