Chapter Twenty-Two: The End

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Starscream's Profile:

  " You done in your section?" Reaper asked coming up beside me.

  " Yeah. I hope this turns out good." Reaper nodded and we ran to the exit.

  " Now to lure in the target..."

DarkFan's Profile:

  The battle was still going, after all, it had only been twelve hours. A proper battle lasts days! These poor fools don't even know the rules of fighting and they are at war!

  Smiling, I threw the twin Primes at their brothers. The Primes desperately tried to catch them but in doing so they let down their guard. Snapping my fingers, vines shot out to attack them all.

  Once the Primes found out they had fallen into a trap, they desperately tried to get away. However, it was way too late. They were all tied up together, minus their sister. Their sister was not much of a fighter; she was more of a field medic.

  " LET THEM GO!!!" I stand corrected.

  Solus gave a direct hit with her hammer on my helm. She remained flying, somehow.., and began to attack me with a fury only she had in her. Growling, very displeased, I fought back.

  " HEY! Darky!" I whipped my head around and saw Reaper.

  " No one calls me Darky...." I whispered and flew straight at her.

  Reaper, probably realizing she messed up, turned around and ran for her life. That girl is gonna regret she even existed! My spark craved for revenge, and I was gonna get it.

Reaper's Profile:

  Somehow holding back a smirk, I ran acting terrified. For someone so dark, DarkFan is easily tricked and manipulated. No wonder she hasn't ever won.

  Starscream and my plan was simple. Lore the Dark Queen into our prison and keep her there. In a place she would most definitely hate.

  Dodging some falling depree in the castle, I kept going. My body was aching and hurting, practically begging me to stop but I couldn't. If I stopped I would most likely be destroyed.

  Heck, maybe I wouldn't be even useful for scrap metal once DarkFan got done with me. Then I recognized a sign I ran past. I only had to go three more yards and then we could trap DarkFan!

  " Come on. Come on. Come on." I said trying to sound helpless, which wasn't so hard since I felt like something the Cybercat dragged in.

  " YOU HELPLESS FOOL! SOON YOU'LL BE MINE TO DESTROY!!!" DarkFan tried to hit me swinging her sword that she summoned.

  " THAT'S WHAT YOU THINK!" I yelled running into the trap.

  DarkFan made the mistake of going in. The door slammed behind her and that's when she got a good look of her surroundings. We were in a writers/animators workshop. It was made of yellowish wood and gave out a dull creepy feeling.

  " NO! NO! NO. NO. No. No. no. no. no." DarkFan looked around horrified realizing where she was.

  Six posters lined the hall we were in. The hall split into a room with chairs and a movie screen. There were other rooms and hallways but DarkFan didn't need to see those to realize she was trapped.

  "" Starscream had realized that DarkFan was the opposite of JanjaFan.

  Meaning, that DarkFan hated/feared writing. If she got JanjaFan's book she could simply think of what she wanted. She didn't need to write it in.

  DarkFan was no longer having a panic attack but was looking for a way out. Except there wasn't one. Everything me and Starscream built in here was designed to keep her trapped in here. Pressing my comm, I let out a signal telling Star to get me out of here.

  A portal opened beneath me and I appeared in my world. My sister, Mercy, was there looking for me. I had feeling that I was going to be the star of attention tonight. Just what I needed. Note the sarcasm.

  Mercy, when she saw me, ran right towards me. She stopped right in front of me and then hugged me. Smiling softly, I hugged her back.

  " Are you okay? You just fell down a portal and disappeared!" Mercy asked.

  " Yeah, lgray1109 summoned me to help fight a battle in JanjaFan's universe. Apparently, JanjaFan has a dark side called DarkFan and she was trying to take over and steal JanjaFan's Creation Book. If she did, who knows what she would've done." Mercy nodded in understanding, the Creation Books that each author has all have different powers, strengths, and anything else you could imagine.

  It was a good thing we stopped DarkFan. Or so I had hoped.

Starscream's Profile:

  I honestly couldn't believe it. My plan worked! Well, I was hoping it would but I didn't expect it to be that easy. Maybe we just got lucky.

  Running over to the others, I told them what had happened. We all headed on back to where DarkFan was. To our shock, JanjaFan was waiting for us.

  " She won't attack soon. She's laying dormant." The writer began. " You all can relax, she isn't getting out of here anytime soon. I'll make sure of that." The author went on to put enchantments to keep DarkFan in her prison.

  " So....who wants to party?" At that suggestion everyone went back and relaxed with a few partying.

  The war was officially over. Everything might not be perfect, and we would still need to repair Cybertron but things were MUCH better. Hopefully, Everything could go back to normal and be even better than before the war.


That's it guys! Darkness Rising has been finished! I'll be making a third book in this series for what happens after the war if you guys want. Stay Cool guys and Peace Out! -JanjaFan 😎✌

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