Chapter Thirteen: Darkness Rising Part Two

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Tailgate's Profile:

  Both me and Cliffjumper went to help the others who were freaking out. Orina wasn't very specific and used her 'riddle poetry' again. I swear she should be handing out prophecies sometimes!

  " GHOSTS!" Smokescreen scream jumping, poor kid.

  We had appeared right behind him. The others stared us. Starscream looked a bit of guilt and turned away while Arachnid slowly was backing out of the room too weirded out.

  " We have a plan. An area Alpha Trion can't go would be the moon. He doesn't have access to a space bridge or a spaceship." Cliffjumper suggested.

  " It makes sense." Arcee said thoughtfully.

  The others seemed to realize this too and we all headed to the moon. A tugging sensation tugged at me. Turning, Cliffjumper gave me a nod. He felt it too.

Cliffjumper's Profile:

  We left and saw Orina on the 'ground' and Blackness slowly losing ground to Alpha Trion. Quickly we leaped to attack, Wonder appearing helping Orina, and we shoved Alpha Trion away from Blackness.

  " FOOLS! I HAVE THIS!" Alpha Trion held up... a familiar velvet notebook.

  We all stared in shock. That was the writer's notebook JanjaFan used! It controlled basically everything!

  " How did you get that!" Orina demanded furious.

  " Oh because I'm the most powerful Prime!" Alpha Trion bragged missing the clearly murderous look a certain human was giving him.

  " You mean you took it while I was talking to the ghosts." Alpha Trion turned and finally noticed the quite furious human.

  " Yes but I am the first to have stolen it!" A rock ricocheted off his helm.

  " Give. It. Back." The human demanded. 

  Alpha Trion flipped open the notebook and wrote something in it. He looked surprised when nothing happened.

  " If you wrote to destroy/imprison me then nothing's going to happen. I'm immortal to the book." Alpha Trion looked annoyed at the book.

  The rest of us got out of there. We had to escape before he tried anything on us!

Starscream's Profile:

  As the Nemesis got into the moon's orbit I felt that something was wrong. It was like as if some entity was getting closer and closer to us. The thought was unsettling.

  I ran down to the flight deck to see Alpha Trion right there!!! He hadn't noticed me yet but he was gloating. Silently hiding I turned my audios up to hear.

  " Ha! I, Alpha Trion, has stolen The Creation Book for Writers!!!" I stared at him shocked.

  What has become of the author who had it? My spark began to beat faster as Alpha Trion came aboard and into the ship. The ghosts plan had failed...

  Sending a warning to my family I sneaked out onto the Flight Deck and focused on my powers. This better work....

Alpha Trion's Profile:

  With a grin on my face I waltzed through the Nemesis. I had to admit, it wasn't a bad ship! Maybe I should take it once I've gotten rid those that needed to go.

  My Queen would love this ship as well.~

  My heart began to beat happily at the thought of my Queen. I knew she would love me once she saw how great I was. She was just so attractive and cute, and strong, and caring......

  With a happy sigh I continued with my quest. None of my brothers can keep me from her.

  An item hit the side of my helm hard. Grabbing it I realized it was a grenade. As it blew up the one named Wheeljack began to laugh. Smiling I turned to him the book glowing in my servo.

-Alpha Trion was immune to the fools attempts.-

  Wheeljack looked shocked. Everyone then jumped and attacked me. All of them ready to destroy me.

-Alpha Trion, the greatest mech alive, easily avades their attacks!-

  This was fun! No wonder the author JanjaFan loves this book so much! I would get my revenge on that foolish human though, one day. However, today was the day I completed this quest! I would claim my love! No one could-

  I realized that no one was there anymore. They were all gone without a trace. Silently cursing a used a nearby computer to figure out where they were hiding. I saw all of them on the flight deck where they were...making a portal!? Running to the Flight Deck at top speed I knew I had to get there before it was too late.

Starscream's Profile:

  I had managed to open a small portal using Liege Maximo as placepoint. Everyone ran out and ran into the portal. Our plan just had to work! Alpha Trion ran out just as the final person ran in. Jumping through I heard Alpha Trion's scream of frustration.

  Once I was through I collapsed to the ground. The portal was gone and so was most of my energy. Breathing deep for a little bit I stumbled a bit getting up. My dad thinks I just opened a groundbridge by some relic I earned from Maximo.

  I didn't want him to know about my powers yet. It was just too...weird. Everyone was calming down and tried to figure out where we are. Suddenly all of the Primes, minus Solus, surrounded us holding weapons. They all looked deadly and ready for a battle.

   " The Prime Realm?! Dude that relic is crazy!" Smokescreen said both amazed and afraid of this new area.

  " What are you doing in our Realm!" Declared Onyx angry, his wings flared making him look bigger and more threatening.

  " We had to get away from Alpha Trion. There was no where else to go." I explained calmly trying not to scream and run away in utter fear for my life.

  The Primes all looked at each other scared. All of them circled around each other in a huddle and talked in low whispers. Occasionally then glanced at us. After about fifteen tense minutes they beckoned us to follow. None of us noticed a second portal open not to far away...

UGH! Sorry guys for this chapter taking a while. It's harder for me to write now that A.T. has my book/notebook! Anyway guys Stay Cool and Peace Out! -JanjaFan 😎✌

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