Chapter Eleven: Bonds and Problems

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Bumblebee's Profile:

  I sat on my berth while Mom and Dad were on a scouting mission. Ratchet said he would contact me if I was needed. So I was trying out the bond. Sending different emotions to my parents and seeing if they would respond.

  While exploring, I felt like there was more 'pathways' than Mom and Dad's I tried one. Immediately I tried a question emotion. I felt it come back with shock. An invitation of Spark Bond Realm was sent to me.

  I had already done this accidently to Mom and Dad and therefore knew what this was. The excitement of doing it again overpowered my logic systems and I was pulled in.

(Spark Bond Realm)

B- Hello? Hello!

?- Hello...who are you? You don't have the same signature of anyone I know....

B- I'm Bumblebee! Do I know you?

? Yes. Yes you do. How are you in the family?

B- I'm Optimus and Elita's child!

?- So the young scout was their youngling all along. Interesting.

B- I feel like I should know you...

?- I don't doubt it. After all, I'm the one who stole your voice.

B- MEGATRON?!?!?!??

M- Yes.

B- Wha-uh-how!

M- I'm Optimus's older brother.

B- So I'm Starscream's cousin...

M- Yes.

B- Moonglider is my aunt....

M- Yes.

B- You''re my uncle!

M- Yes little one.


(End Spark Bond Realm)

  As my helm collided with the ground I jerked back up. My breathing was abnormal. The main reason of my pain was a family member! My uncle! I began to sob uncontrollably. My parents sent questions across the bond but I didn't answer.

  Suddenly I was in another Spark Bond Realm.

(Spark Bond Realm)

?- Are you alright?


S- It's okay its just me. Starscream.

SW- And me Soundwave.

B- O-okay.

S- Is something the matter?

B- Yeah..The main reason of my pain is my uncle! Your Dad!

S- If it makes you feel better. Mom is yelling at him twenty rooms away about it. I can hear her clearly.

SW- Clearly Starscream got his lungs from her.

S- Ha ha. Very funny Soundwave.

B- *laughs a little* Yeah,..

S- We were just about to play a game. Want to join us?

B- Sure!

Shockwave's Profile:

  I heard footsteps near my cell. Moonglider stepped into the open angry as ever. Being as smart as I was, I decided not to say anything.

  " How do you want to 'prove' your 'innocence'." She said livid.

  " Psycho Patch. I can show you what I was doing. There is no way to lie in a Physco Patch which makes this plan fool proof!" She stared into me.

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