Chapter 2: After the Rumble

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You were the first to meet Seth once he was back through the curtain: Seth Freaking Rollins had just won the Royal Freaking Rumble! 

You couldn't be more proud. He is sweaty. His side is obviously hurting. His hair is a tangled mess. He had gone through a table and 29 other men. He was a mess, but the adrenaline was still pumping. You, no longer in your gear, envelope him in a kiss and congratulate him loudly. He presses his lips against yours before he is met by other congratulatory hugs, fist bumps, and handshakes. 

You walk back to the backstage area and sit. You are waiting for Seth. 

Your man is headlining Wrestlemania! 

You wait mulling over the fact that you are so in love with a man that is achieving his dreams every single day. 

You think over your own Royal Rumble match. You entered at number five. You were in the match for nearly forty minutes. You took a hell of a beating. But you gave a good many beatings as well. Ultimately, you were eliminated by Charlotte Flaire-which is nothing to be ashamed of. You had 6 recorded eliminations: Dana Brooke, Sarah Logan, Ruby Riot, Peyton Royce, Io Shari, and Tamina. 

Those don't matter now though. You still don't have a match at Wrestlemania. 

"Hey Baby," You heard Seth's voice and looked up. 

"Hey, Mr. Royal Rumble Winner." You stood up and kissed him. He was smiling. He was also still glistening with sweat. He was limping now. The adrenaline was wearing off. "I am so proud of you!" 

"I'm going to change and then we can get out of here. I've already done the photo shoot. I'll shower at the hotel." 

"Okay," You say and smile at him. "I'm already ready. I even have my bags in the car already." 

He nods and kisses the top of your head before disappearing into the locker room behind you. 

Road to Wrestlemania 2019: You and Seth RollinsWhere stories live. Discover now