Chapter 4: February 5, 2019

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6: 15a.m

Seth wakes you with a kiss. He is freshly showered and smells like soap. His hair is still wet and drips a little on your forehead. You smile and kiss Seth even with your gross morning breath. 

"Ready to get up?" Seth asks, kneeling beside you. 

"I don't really have a choice if we are going to go get breakfast still." You say and peel back the covers. Seth half-smiles up at you and your stomach fills with butterflies all over again. 

"I'm going to get ready. Do you need the bathroom?" He asks, standing and you notice he is only wrapped in a towel. 

"Please, sir. If you are finished in there." You giggle. 

Seth rolls his eyes dramatically at you. "Yes, I can blow dry my hair out here." 

You stand up and begin to gather clothes. Seth retrieves the hairdryer from the bathroom. You prance past him, but he catches your arm. You give him a questioning look then he pulls you into a kiss. 

He says nothing and proceeds as though nothing happens. A quality in him you happen to like. 

You get to work in the bathroom. You showered last night and hadn't worked out and don't plan to so you forgo your shower. You dress in yoga pants and white cropped sweater. You curl your hair lightly before applying minimal makeup. The makeup artists always go crazy with your looks on TV so you try to scale it back in real life. You adjust your hair so that it falls in loose waves over your shoulders perfectly framing your face. 

By now it is nearly 7 so you walk back into the suite to see if Seth is nearly ready. 

"Babe, you ready?" You say not even looking over to him. You pick out a pair of white shoes and pull on a chunk knit rose-colored cardigan. 

"Yep," Seth says and you look up. A smile spreads across your face even though you really want to burst into tears at how amazing he looks. He isn't wearing anything special: jeans, a Performance Center t-shirt, and a beanie.  But man, does he look amazing in it. 

"You look beautiful," He says crossing the room in four strides and pulling you into a tight hug. "I love you so much". 

Tears come to your eyes and you realize how much you have missed this man over the past couple of weeks. You never want to let him go, but he pulls back. 

"We need to get going." He says. You swing your crossbody purse over your shoulder and grab Seth's hand as you walk out. 


You and Seth walk four blocks to the most precious breakfast cafe you have ever seen. It is an eclectic place with a mismatch of earth tone decor. There was a small menu of delicious sounding dishes. None of which were healthy and you were rethinking your plans to not hit the gym today. 

The two of you sit in a quiet booth in the back of the restaurant. You can see Seth looking over his menu at you every couple of seconds. 

"Is something wrong? Do I have something in my teeth?" You giggle at Seth. 

"What? No!" Seth laughs at you. "I've just really missed you." 

You lay your menu down and looks, seriously, up at Seth. "I have missed you too." The two of you smile stupidly at one another for a long moment. The waitress interrupts to take your drink order. Two coffee and two glasses of water. 

"What are you going to eat?" You ask Seth. 

"I'm not sure. Everything, honestly, looks so freaking good." 

Road to Wrestlemania 2019: You and Seth RollinsWhere stories live. Discover now