Chapter 11: March 25, 2019

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You scream and kick at your bags sitting in the corner of the hotel room.

"Woah," Seth says as he comes out of the bathroom. "What's wrong?"

You toss your phone onto the bed and turn towards Seth.

"Stephanie's assistant just called me. They changed the direction for what was supposed to be my match at Mania! And I'm not in it."

"Oh," Seth moves toward you. "Babe,"

"No," you throw your hands up to stop him. "There is no amount of hugs and kisses that will make this be okay!"

"I mean, we could try." Seth mumbles.

"Seth!" You yell too loudly. "This isn't funny."

"I'm sorry. You're right. It's not funny."

"It's less than 2 full weeks until Mania. We were supposed to set up my match tonight on Raw. Now, it's not happening."

"Hey," Seth grabs your hand and waits until you look at him. "Listen, even if it's not this Mania, there will be next years."

"That's not the point, Seth. You haven't had to want for a match since you started on the main roster. You wouldn't understand."

"I really wish you would stop saying that." Seth runs his hand through his hair.

"But it's true! You haven't and I'm so proud of you and your accomplishments, but this is about me not you!"

"I know it's about you! And yeah, you are looking real proud of me right now."

"After all this time if you don't know I'm proud of you then I don't know how to get the point across."

"Well, acting like it's my fault you don't have a match at Mania is a great start, Y/N."

"It's not your fault! But telling me to give up and wait till next year isn't exactly being supportive."

"I was trying to be encouraging! I am so sorry you took it wrong!" Seth grabbed the bag to his right and walked behind you to the door.

"Where are you going?" You ask.

"Roman is still here. I'll just ride with him to the arena. You can use our rental."

"Seth," the door slams shut. You throw yourself on the bed and scream into the duvet.

At the Arena
The show is about to start and you still haven't seen Seth. Usually, if you ride separately to the Arena one of you will call the other to check in. Just to hear one another's voice. Today, however you refuse. And apparently Seth does too.

You stand in the producer's square in the immediate backstage area making sure they all have exactly what they need so the show will run smoothly.

"Where's Rousey?" You ask one producer who shrugs. She has to here as she is starting the show.

About a minute later she come through the curtain, holding the title.

"Ready?" You ask her and she nods.  "Your music will hr eighth after the commentators open the show."
The Riot Squad, Becky Lynch, and Charlotte Flair come into the area and nod at you.

"Alright. Ladies, break a leg." You look at Becky who is smirking. "Not literally." You all giggle, careful not to be too loud. "Producer's I'll be on a walkie if you need me." With that you suck through the back curtain to go into the backstage area.

"Y/N", you turn to find the voice calling your name. It's Finn Balor. "Hey, do you know where Seth's at?" He asks.

"Uh, no. I haven't seen him."

Road to Wrestlemania 2019: You and Seth RollinsWhere stories live. Discover now