Chapter 5: Elimination Chamber

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The past couple of weeks between you and Seth had been tense. Neither of you had bent on where you each stood. You have been annoyed that he can't seem to see things from your perspective. He doesn't understand not having a way to WrestleMania or that it has been your dream since you were six years old to walk down that ramp and raise the Women's title above your head on the grandest stage of them all. Seth seems disappointed in you. For what though you aren't sure.

The two of you have been avoiding interaction in the backstage area of live and televised events. And in the hotel, you both skirt around one another only speaking when absolutely necessary. It feels like you are strangers sharing a room rather than two people who have been deeply in love for two years. 

Backstage Elimination Chamber 5:00 p.m

You hear the music indicating that the Kickoff Show has begun. Your hair has been curled into waves that frame your face, and your makeup has been done beautifully with a sparkly smokey eye with dramatic winged liner. You are dressed in a tight black shirt with a gold jacket paired with tight black pants and over the knee boots. 

"You look gorgeous" you stop mid-step at the sound of Seth's voice coming from behind you. You want to turn around and wrap your arms around Seth. 

You want things to be good like they were before. You don't even know when this "after" started. Was is at Royal Rumble when Seth won? Was it before then? Was it when you two had the argument a couple of weeks ago? You can't even remember. You just want things to be good again. But every time you look at Seth you see a man that doesn't understand how hard you are taking not having a match at WrestleMania which is to say you're dreams are not coming true this year. He also doesn't understand how stressed you feel about this high point in your career as Executive Operations Director.

Against your better judgment, you turn around and meet Seth's eyes.  You want to melt into them. 

"Thank you." 

Seth runs a hand through his hair and takes you in as though he hasn't seen you in years. He seems hesitant, unsure of what to do or say. You are glad to see is discomfort since it matches your own. You don't know how to navigate this new tense situation between the two of you. 

"Are you okay? Ready for tonight?" He asks you. Neither of you has matches, but you do have a show to run. 

You nod. "Yeah, I am" 

He nods too. "Good. Uh...If you need me, I will probably be by the monitoring in catering most of the night." 

"Okay." You say blandly. 

Seth walks away. His eyes weren't sparkling like usual. He seemed sad. You know that he and you need to fix this, but you don't know how to even begin. 

5:37 p.m 

You stand just behind the curtain watching monitors over a producer's shoulder. Buddy Murphy versus Akira Tozowa for the Cruiserweight Championship is underway. You are watching the superstars move with grace and hitting their choreography perfectly. 

"Headset," you say quickly to the producer who quickly hands you one. You listen to the commentary for a few minutes. They sound great. There talk is flawless, informative, and you are thrilled that everything is going according to the script and that, so far, you aren't getting fired. 

7:26 p.m

Boss Hug Connection has been crowned the first ever WWE Women's Tag Champions, The Usos have won the Smackdown Live Tag Team Titles, and the Intercontinental Championship Handicap match is underway.

Backstage, you sat in front of the monitor in catering with Seth beside you. The pair of you were still not talking really. The tension between the two of you was still palpable, but it was a habit to be next to one another when in the same room. Seth sat watching the match at hand while you checked Twitter to see if the Elimination Chamber was still trending #1 Worldwide. 

There were very few people around. Most superstars were in the locker rooms, getting ready for their matches, or watching the side stage monitors. The room was quiet aside from your typing, Seth's breathing, and the match playing out on the monitor. 

"Everything okay?" Seth asks quietly. 

"Yeah," you say and give him a strained smile. 

You lock your phone and turn your eyes back to the monitor. You cross your arms and sit back with a sigh. Ordinarily, you would ask Seth questions or comment on the match, but giving how upset you both are at one another that doesn't seem like an option. 

There is a too-long silence in the room. 

"How do we fix this?" Seth breaks the silence. 

"What?" You say, taken off guard by his words. 

"I hate this. I hate you being mad at me. I hate you hurting, and I hate most that we aren't even dealing with it. So, how do we fix it? " He says, sitting up straighter and looking at you full on. 

"I don't know, Seth. I really don't" 

"Well, we have to figure it out." He runs his hand through his hair. 

You fidget in your seat and wring your hands. "I just need you to understand that this is hard for me. It has been my dream to headline WrestleMania since I was a kid. Just like it was yours. The difference is that I haven't even been on the Mania card since we were still the shield, and you have been in a highly anticipated match every year since then." 

Seth nodded slowly. "I know. But, I need you to understand that I have worked hard to be in WrestleMania's Main Event this year. And I really would love for you to be in my corner." 

"Seth," you turn toward him. "I am always in your corner. I know how hard you have worked. I don't think that you shouldn't get to headline just because I am not. I just want you to understand that I am stressed about it and I am allowed to be stressed about it." 

"Babe, I know you are. You have worked hard. You do deserve to be there, and you have the right to fight for your chance to have a match at Mania. I just don't want to feel like you're mad at me for something that I can't control."

"I'm not mad at you for that. I got mad at you for not understanding my side. For not even trying to understand my side." 

"But I do. I got mad at you for blaming me." 

"But I wasn't blaming you." 

Seth nods. "I know." There is a long pause, but Seth takes your hand. "We suck at communication." 

You and Seth both laugh. 

"You will get your match at Mania," Seth says to you. "Becuase you deserve it. And you are doing an amazing job at  Exec Operations Director." 

"Do you even know what I do as op-director?" 

"Not a clue" Seth giggles. 

"I make sure the show stays in order and that no one messes up. Plus making matches, setting Superstars straight, and generally being everyone's boss."

"Ohhh, so you're my boss." Seth smiles wryly and you roll your eyes. Seth knew that. 


"If you can make matches why not just make yourself a Mania match?" 

"I make matches within a given storyline as the need arises. I can't make myself a storyline." 

Seth cocks an eyebrow at you, "Who says?" 

Road to Wrestlemania 2019: You and Seth RollinsWhere stories live. Discover now