Chapter 6: February 25

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Monday Night Raw 8 p.m

Elimination Chamber was two weeks ago. And in those two weeks, things had gotten better between You and Seth. At least, things were less tense. You and he were speaking and no longer avoiding each other at events. You could tell he still doubted that you were proud of him. You doubted that he actually understood why not having a match at Wrestlemania was bothering you so much.

At this point, however, you were happy that you two were on speaking terms and just tried to avoid any and all conversations about WrestleMania. Which was not easy now that Mania was less than forty days away. 

"Hey, gorgeous," Seth said sitting beside you in front of the monitor. You were watching Ronda Rousey call out Vince McMahon. 

"Hello! What are you doing?" You ask. 

Seth shrugged. "Roman has things to do so I decided to come to see you." 

You smiled. Roman announcing his remission was the best news you had gotten in months. You had wished you could have had more time with him, but you had a show to run.

You lean over to Seth who meets you in the middle for a kiss. You wrinkle your nose when his beard tickled you. 

"You're adorable." He laughs. 

You roll your eyes. 

After a long moment of silence, Seth hesitantly asks "Are you on tv tonight?" 

"I am." You say. 

"What you got?" 

"Yeah, about that." You giggle nervously. 

"What?" Seth's voice is deeper. He can sense your discomfort. 

"Creative thinks it will be a good opportunity for me to team up with Drew McIntyre."

"That's what you pitched them?" Seth asks. 

"No, I pitched me challenging Askua for the SD Live Women's Championship, but they want my character to stay on Raw. So they decided that teaming with Drew could be interesting." 

"Yes, but 'teaming' usually equates to 'love interest'" 

"It didn't in the Shield." 

"And look how that turned out" Seth quipped. 

You blinked hard at him. "What?" 

"You and The Shield. How'd that turn out? With me and you together in real life." 

"You think that just because I team with someone that I will fall in love with them? Do you think I'm that easily swayed? Or that I love you so little that I would leave you for my tag partner?" There is silence for a moment. Seth stares at you, still serious, and you stare back. You aren't sure what expression shows on your face because you aren't even sure which one you are feeling. 

"That's not I..." 

"It is what you meant. How could you have meant that any other way? I thought you and I got together because we respected one another and we fell in love. Not because we were in a faction together." 

"We did - " 

"Not according to what you just said." You stand up. "I can't with this right now. You have a promo with Charlie. I have a show to run. I'll see you later, Seth." 

"Wait, Y/N" Seth stands too. "I just meant-" 

"Bye Seth." 

Road to Wrestlemania 2019: You and Seth RollinsWhere stories live. Discover now