February 25 Part 2

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You stood, arms crossed, in the immediate backstage area. Seth and Roman were coming back through the curtains after saving Dean Ambrose from getting the beat down he probably deserved.

"Damn that felt good!" Roman laughed and hugged you!

"It is so great to have you back!" You say.

"It's good to be back babygirl"

Roman moves on behind you high fiving someone you can't see. Seth lowers his head down to yours, resting his sweaty forehead on yours.
"We need to talk"

"Because it went so well the last time" you say quietly, just for him.


"After the show" you say. He nods and follows Roman through the back set of curtains.


Every superstar is lined up on the stage waiting the Birthday celebration for Ric Flair. Triple H and Stephanie were in the ring announcing the special invited guests one by one. You stood in the back stage area watching the show again. You could see Seth front and center on the stage as the guests made there entrances.

They announced Ric Flair. His music hit. But no Ric.

The camera cut to a cameraman getting dragged to Ric's fitting room. You squinted at the screen.

Dave Batista.

Triple H bailed out the ring and ran towards the back. You took off too.

You got to Ric first. But there was no sign of Batista. You knelt down just as Triple H came sliding in beside him too.

"Where is he?! Where did Dave go?" He yelled.

"I don't know! I didn't see him! I need a medic!" You yell into the emptiness around you. Soon Ric is surrounded by crew members, trainers, and medics. You bounce up to your feet and make your way out to the ring. Raw is off the air, but you still have an arena full of paying fans and a stage full of shocked superstars.

"Ladies and Gentleman," you begin once you're in the ring with Stephanie, HBK, Ricky Steamboat, Sting, and Kurt Angle who are all giving you incredulous looks. "Superstars and Legends: I am sorry for this interruption. Ric Flair is being treated and will be taken to the nearest medical facility. We will be sure to have medical updates on social media and WWE.com. As far as Batista goes, I ensure all of you and Ric's family that he will be dealt with. Superstars you may return to the backstage area. Legends thank you all for coming. I know Ric does truly appreciate it."

Your music hits and you and the flood of superstars walk to the back. On the way, Seth's hand finds yours. You hold on tightly finding comfort in the distinct familiarity of how his hand fits in yours.

Back at the Hotel

The car ride to the hotel with Seth was quiet. He didn't speak and you were too mad to do anything other than think of how mad you were.

Seth carries yours and his bags up to your rooms and plop loudly on the bed. Seth settles down beside you and pulls you close.

"Was that planned?" Seth asked. "No one told me or any of the superstars about Batista coming back."

"No. I know they had considered bringing him back and he requested to be brought in as a heel, but we didn't plan for him to interrupt tonight. Or if we did then no one told me."

"They would have told you." Seth says matter of factly.

"I know. What I don't know is what we are actually going to do about it. But really that's not my problem. Him interrupting my show is a problem."

"Hunter will deal with him."

"Someone will. I'm sure they will run with this as a storyline, but I'll be surprised if Hunter doesn't beat the hell out of him for real."

Seth agrees. Then there is a long moment of silence. You know something is on Seth's mind. He's never quite otherwise.

"We still need to talk." He finally says.

"We do." You say and shift upwards so that you are sitting cross legged on the bed in front of him. "So talk."

Seth sits up too. He reaches for your hand, stops short and lets his fall to the mattress. You reach forward and take his hand. You are exhausted and want to be able to touch him.

He smiled briefly, takes in a deep breath then begins, "I was stupid earlier. I didn't think before I said and I'm sorry." He looks up at you now. "I know that you would never ever be unfaithful. I wasn't trying to imply otherwise." His words are coming faster now. "What I meant was that if you tag with Drew then WWE will want you to travel with him and train with him because that's how we build chemistry as Tag teams. But that's what we do together and I don't want that to change."

"That wouldn't change. I wouldn't stop doing those things with you just because WWE said to." You inhale deeply before continuing. "Seth, I know wrestling and WWE is our lives. It's always come first to both of us. But if it were the WWE or you; I choose you every time."

Seth smiles. Your face is burning with blush.

"I love you," Seth says. "I'm sorry. If you want to do the storyline with Drew then I will not be upset."

"I turned it down."

"Babe, why?"

"Because 20 minutes before I was supposed to align with Drew I was told I would be turning on The Shield. And I didn't want to. If I'm going to be a heel it's not at the expense of you guys. So, I turned it down."

"They didn't tell you about The Shield before?"

"No, and If they are going to have The Shield back together then I will be there too."

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