Chapter 9: March 18, 2019

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"I challenge you to a fight...not
just any fight. I challenge you to a fight at WrestleMania!" Drew says to Joe aka Roman Reigns. He is making light of Roman's battle with Leukemia and telling him to not accept because he will take him apart piece by piece on the grandest stage of them all!

Suddenly, a furious Seth Rollins is on the Tron. "That right there I why I did what I did to you earlier tonight, Drew." Referring to when Seth attacked Drew from behind with a steel chair at the start of the show. "That was for my brothers. This. This is for me." Seth's music hits but he's less than half way down the ramp before Drew is on him. It takes many referees and security guys to separate them.
Seth gets in the ring and Drew is backed up the ramp where he throws his trench coat. Raw is on commercial break so they struggle and talk trash to one another from a distance for a while before Drew is escorted to the ring and the bell rings.

You stand in the backstage area watching the match. Drew had already injured Roman and Dean. Seth was already coming off a minor injury. You would be lying if you said you weren't, at least, a little worried.

"Y/N" Triple H says beside you and you realize that you'd had a death grip on your arm which was actually hurting now.

"Yeah?" You glance at him but continue watching the monitor.

"You okay?" He asks.

"Yeah." You say again.

"You look nervous."

"I'm always nervous when Seth wrestles." You say.

"It's his job," Hunter nearly laughs.

"It's yours too, but I'd bet money that Stephanie watches the screen just like I am now."

Hunter shrugs, "he's great"

"He was great when we rushed him to an ER for his knee being messed up six different ways,"

Hunter shrugs again, "touché"

"I'm not worried about him messing up. I'm worried about McIntyre screwing up. I trust him...I just trust him more when my boyfriend's well being isn't in his hands."

Moments later Seth lands a super kick right as Brock Lesnar's music hits. You take a step forward, but Hunter catches your arm.

"You can't do anything."

You shrug off his arm but stay in place. Drew gets the pin, but Seth is struggling in the ring.

You hear Michael Cole send the show off.
Brock Lesnar is walking toward the ring. Seth is watching him. You know he is either going to get in the ring or back off with that obnoxious laugh of his.

You're holding your breath now. Seth looks so tired. His hair is wild and he is sweaty.

Brock jumps up on the apron then is suddenly between the ropes. In two quick moves he has Seth up on his shoulders and spins him into and F5.

You take off running. Quicker than seems possible you are in the ring and at Seth's side. Brock has F5'd him again in the time it to run to the ring. Two referees are checking on Seth when you spring back up to your feet.

You are face-to-chest with Brock. You look up at him completely serious and pissed off. He wasn't supposed to touch Seth but Lesnar doesn't play by the script.

"Get out of the ring!" You yell. Lesnar laughs. "Get out!" He is still laughing. He tries to step around you to get to Seth again. You block his path. "Lesnar! So help me, get the hell out of the ring. I will fire you where you stand!" Lesnar backs off then.

The crowd is cheering all around you. You walk forward as Lesnar walks backward. He is out of the ring before you walk back to Seth. He is standing now. You kiss him and wrap one of his arms around you.

The crowd cheers as the two of you make your way up the ramp.

Back at the Hotel
Less than an hour later there is a video on Facebook of Lesnar's attack. And Paul Heyman proclaiming that Seth wouldn't have the luxury of having "his little girlfriend threatening to fire Brock Lesnar for doing his job" at WrestleMania.

You locked your phone and sat it on the beside table and threw your head back on the pillow.

"What are you being dramatic about?" Seth nearly laughed as he limped to the bed. He was showered and looking much better than he did at the arena.

"Well, I wasn't really supposed to run down to the ring." You look up at Seth. "I certainly wasn't supposed to threaten to fire Lesnar."

Seth shrugs, "the fans seemed to like it."

You nod. "The fans don't sign my paychecks."

"They kinda do...?"

"Yes, but not literally. I mean, it's not like I'm going to get fired for it but Hunter wasn't very happy."

Seth pulls you to him. "I'm glad you came out there. I really didn't want to get F5'd again." He laughs.

"Well, you're welcome." You lean into Seth's body. "And to be fair Lesnar was supposed to circle the ring and walk back up the ramp. So he went rogue first."

"Exactly." Seth kisses your hair.

"I wouldn't take it back." You relent.

"Just don't do it at Mania and it will be fine."

"I wouldn't do anything that could get you disqualified."

"I know. Dean and Roman have gotten me DQ'd more than you ever have."

"Well I'll make sure they stay backstage too. At least until after you're champion." You wink at Seth and pull yourself away from him and off the bed.

"You really think I'll win?" He asks oddly serious all of a sudden.

"Yes. I have absolutely no doubt. You are going to be amazing."

You see the flash of uncertainty in his eyes. You take a drink of water then crawl into his lap. "You," You kiss him. "Are an amazing wrestler." You kiss him again. "The very best really."

Seth smiles are you. "You are," you say taking his hands, "are Seth Freaking Rollins."

"Thank you. Now get ready for bed. I'm sleepy." He take his shirt off and lets it fall to the floor. He lays back with you still sitting on his legs.

You stand above him on the bed and strip down to your underwear. You sink back down onto the bed and grab his shirt from the floor. You pull it on then dramatically flop down next to him on the bed. He pulls you into him and whispers "I love you."

"I love you too." You smile and add "Seth Freakin Rollins."

Road to Wrestlemania 2019: You and Seth RollinsWhere stories live. Discover now