April 7, 2019: Wrestlemania

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The Kick-Off Show

You sit in your makeshift office with Seth Rollins. He is already in his gear and has been bouncing his leg for the past fifteen minutes while you were on a conference call with production assistants, producers, and the creative team to go over last notes for the show. You hand up the phone and cross the last to-do off of your list before turning to Seth. 

"Are you okay?" you ask kindly. 

Seth looks up with a deer in headlights look on his face, but quickly recovers. "Yeah," he looks directly into your eyes, "this is just such a big fight on the biggest stage of them all." 

"I understand," you say turning in the small space to directly face him. "But you are the best. There is no way you aren't working out the champion." 

Seth gives you a half smile.  "You really meant everything you said last night on the red carpet?" 

You give him a questioning look, "of course I did." 

"Things have just been so weird between us this past couple of months..." he trails off without finishing his thought. 

You sigh. "I know and I'm sorry. I haven't been the best of showing you how proud I am of you. I've been a little self-obsessed." 

"A little?" he raises his brow. 

"Okay, a lot self-obsessed." you giggle. "but tonight I am in your corner-metaphorically" you add quickly when Seth tries to protest. "100 percent. I will be backstage watching and cheering you on." 

"Thank you." Seth leans forward and kisses your forehead. "However, you have a match in about fifteen minutes. How are you feeling about it?" he asks. 

"Good. It's just against Dana Brooke. She's an amazing competitor, but so am I. It'll be a good match. We will show why women deserve to be on the card even if it's just the kickoff." 

"I'll be back here watching." he winks at you. "By the way, your gear is on fire." 

You return his smirk as he obviously checks you out in your faux leather solid black gear with copper accents. The top is sports bra-like with a keyhole cutout and accent straps on your arms. The bottoms were full-length pants that had a very similar pattern to Seth's on them. They were ripped at the knee and your hands were taped up in black tape with metallic copper flames painted on the top. 

"Hmmm, not sure whether to say 'literally'," you say showing off the flames on your hands. "or," you stand and reach for the door. "if you're not too sore after the show, you just might get to 'burn' it off me." you wink and walk out the door. 

Seth is quickly on his feet and beside you. As a producer approaches you, Seth whispers in your ear, "definitely the second option." 

You laugh before talking to the producer who tells you it is time for your match. 

"I'll see you after. Good luck, baby." He kisses you quickly before walking away. 

Your match with Dana Brooke was great. The crowd stayed behind you the entire time even chanting "Shield" when Dana would get the upper hand. The match lasted about fifteen minutes and ended when you hit a curb stomp on Dana. 

Seth is waiting for you once you walk back through the very back curtain. 

"I'm proud of you." he says quietly to you and hands you a t-shirt. 

"I'm going to go shower before the main show starts and change into something more professional, " you say trying to refuse the tee. 

"And you can, right after you go to Room 3C to meet with Stephanie. She said she needed to talk to you about travel plans for tomorrow or something. It shouldn't take long she said." 

Road to Wrestlemania 2019: You and Seth RollinsWhere stories live. Discover now