Chapter 12: April 1, 2019

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Monday Night Raw | Top of the Show

You sit at a table in the producers square with a headset on. You listen to the fireworks and Michael Cole's familiar voice kick off the show. Seconds later a producer gives the cue for Stephanie McMahon's music to be played. Stephanie-who is already in the area-is handed a microphone. 

Stephanie walks out onto the ramp as the fans cheer and boo her appearance before them. She smiles and waves at them. She loves to be hated. 

As Stephanie begins speaking a producer hands you a walkie talkie and an earpiece. You look at him strangely. 

"You, um, have a meeting...?" The producer says, looking very unsure. "I thought you would want a walkie so we could contact you easily...?" 

You nod and take off your headset. You clip the walkie talkie onto your waistband and secure the earpiece into your ear. "I should be back within thirty minutes." You say. "Quick Note: Aleister Black's entrance was a few seconds off last week. Let's make sure we are all on time, please." The producer nods at you. 

You walk back through the backstage curtains just as Stephanie is finishing up her announcement that "winner takes all"  in the Women's Championship match at Mania. 

"Coranno!" You shout excitedly as you walk into the conference room where Mark Coranno sits, waiting for you. 

"Hey Y/N, how are you today?" He says nicely. 

"I'm alright. You?" You ask taking a seat across from Mark. 

"I'm good." He says.

 You raise an eyebrow at him. He is usually talkative and friendly. "Are you sure?" You say. "Am I in trouble?" you ask jokingly. Your smile fades when he doesn't laugh. "I'm in trouble?" You say again. 

"You're not in trouble." He says quietly. "You know that word spreads pretty quickly in the locker rooms." 

"Yes, I do." You say cautiously. 

"Really, I'm just checking in." He says, motioning cautiously with his hands. "I've heard from a few different sources that things are rocky with you and Seth right now." 

You shift uncomfortably in your seat and cross your arms. However, Mark continues before you can say anything.

"I'm not accusing or blaming you or Seth of anything. I just want to make sure you can still remain objective in your Exec-Op position."

"Yes, I can." You say tightly. 

"Okay," he says. "Then I believe you and I hope everything works out." 

"Can I have my contract now?" you ask. 

Mark nods and hands you a thick manila envelope. 

"Is this the one I already signed?" you ask. 

"Yes, the top set is your in-ring contract which you've already reviewed and signed so this is just your copy. The second is your corporate contract which just needs to be reviewed and signed. I was able to approve all of your pre-sign requests. So review it and get it back to me by the end of the month." 

You nod. "Got it. Are we done now?" You ask quickly. Mark nods at you. He seems to know that he made your mood worse than it already was. 

You bolt out of the room. You feel like crying, but you are also too mad to cry. You walk to the room that is meant to be your office for the evening. You shove the envelope into your bag and sink down into your chair. Before you can think of anything else you check in on the producers through the walkie talkie. 

"It's running smoothly," a producer says back quickly. "Rollins is looking for you." 

"Copy. Do you have a location on him?" 

"Uh...holding room." 

"Copy." You say one more time into the walkie talkie. 

You stand and take a deep breath trying to collect yourself before going to find Seth. You had no idea what he wanted. The two of you had hardly even spoken since the fight the two of you'd had before Raw last week. You hated that it was this way, but he hadn't wanted to listen to you and you couldn't force him to want to work it out with you. You decided it was best to allow him to be mad for a little while and let him come around. 

You walk into the holding room and see several superstars wathcing the monitor and waiting for their cues to go out. 

You finally lay eyes on Seth sitting in the corner with his legs outstretched. He is talking to Finn and you just stare at them. It's the moments like this that you had missed in the past week, and these are the moments that you can't bear to think of losing if you and Seth can't make this better. 

You shake yourself from your own thoughts and walk over to Seth. He half-heartedly smiles up at you and stands up. 

"I heard you were looking for me." You say. 

"Yeah, I need to speak with you...privately." He says and places a hand on your back to direct you out of the holding room. 

The two of you walk to the room that is your office. You stand across from Seth waiting for him to speak first. 

"How are you?" He asks. 

"I'm okay, I guess. How are you?" 

"Fine. I'd be better if we were okay though." 

"You and me both," you say wryly. 

"I don't know how to fix this. I just know that I'm mad." 

"You have every right to be," you say. "I was unfair and mean." 

"But I don't want to be mad anymore." 

"What do you need to hear me say to make this better?" 

Seth runs a hand through his hair. "I-I don't know." He leans against the wall and you want so badly to kiss him. "I'm sorry. I wasn't fair either. I probably should have just allowed you to vent and be mad, but I made it into a big deal." 

"Thank you for apologizing, but I was mean. I should have stopped thinking of myself for five minutes to understand that I was writing you off completely. I'm sorry." 

Seth nods at you. "Thank you." You smile up at him. "Can we go back to normal now?" 


Seth opens his arms up and you step into his embrace. 

The hug is interrupted with a buzzing in your ear. "Exec-Op," 

You step back and answer the call. "Go for Exec-Op," you say and Seth looks at you questioningly. 

"We need Rollins on deck. We are about to cue music." 

"He's coming," you say into the walkie talkie. 

You look up at Seth, "they're cueing your music. I suggest you run." 

Seth bolts out the door and you here his music begin to play. 

Road to Wrestlemania 2019: You and Seth RollinsWhere stories live. Discover now