Chapter 8: March 13, 2019

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You slump down into the chair in your make-shift office. You are at a WWE Live event with the Raw crew. This week had been a challenging one in every way.

First, the Shield said goodbye on Monday night. You hadn't been ringside at WWE Fastlane, but you had gotten to dress in your black gear and walk down to the ring with them. You had felt that magic again. Being in the Shield was part of your identity in the WWE, but it was also a group that made you feel like you were home. Being in the then-Diva's locker room was often degrading and too-competitive. Being with Ambrose, Rollins, and Reigns had been an equal partnership from the start. Standing in the ring on Monday telling the crowd how thankful you were for them allowing you to all do what you love as a group and to hug all three of your teammate's goodbye was enough to make you cry. But it had been the closure the WWE universe wanted and that you and the boys needed.

Second, was Smackdown Live. #KofiMania was in full force among the Universe and Vince McMahon was not having it. You, personally, wanted Kofi Kingston vs. Daniel Bryan at Wrestlemania, but you also understood the importance of a proper storyline. The WWE Universe, on the other hand, might know that it's a story but were still voicing their opinions, which is the best part of this business in your opinion. And you are the most assecible member of "management" for the WWE Universe. Your twitter was blowing up with mean comments about the situation and others wanting you to intervene and give Kofi the match. Which you could do, but you could also get fired for doing so.

Third, and this was the most imminent, you still don't have a match at Wrestlemania. However, you had an idea. Admittedly, it would put you in a tag match, but at least you would get to hear your music at Mania, and you think the fans would love it. You would be pitching this idea in about fifteen minutes to Stephanie McMahon who would then talk to her team and either greenlight it or give a hard no. Steph wasn't an unreasonable person, at least, not in real life. You felt that she would help you get the match if she believed in it.

To top of your hell-of-a-week was Seth. He had been minorly injured on Raw when Shelton Benjamin attacked him from behind. It was, thankfully, nothing serious just a very minor sprain of his bad knee. He would be back in action by Raw coming up. He just had to take off for all of the live shows this week. That wasn't stopping him from being a gigantic baby about it. He was worried about getting hurt at Mania. If he is injured and wins the title then he will have to vacate and if he doesn't win and is injured than he is right back at square one. You love Seth, but if you had to hear about it one more time then you might actually pull your hair out. You were really trying to to be understanding especially since you and Seth had finally stopped arguing and were getting along again.

Your phone rang loudly which made you jump. It was a Connecticut number which you knew must be Stephanie.

Back at the Hotel

You open the door and see Seth laying on the bed with his leg propped up on a mound of pillows. He is wathcing some action movie.

"There's my girl," he grins wildly at you and opens his arms. You lean down and kiss him before crawling over him to your side of the bed and laying on his chest. "How was work?"

"It went fine. The show went off great. I missed you being there."

"I missed being there. I'm glad you are back now." Seth says and kisses the top of your head.

"How is your knee?" You ask bracing for his endless rambling about getting more injured.

"The swelling is gone. There isn't any more fever in it. I think I'm fine." Seth nearly laughs. He sounds so happy that you look up at him with an incredulous look on your face. "What?" He asks.

"I just haven't heard you laugh like that in a while. You've either been too mad at me or obsessing over your injury." You pause then add, "are you still worried about getting injured further?" You didn't want him to go crazy over the situation, but you did want him to open up to you. So you took a deep breath, reminded yourself how much you love him, and put on your happy girlfriend face.

"Not really." He says to your surprise. "I talked to the trainer earlier who said this was just a freak thing that happened and that she and the doctor had looked over all the x-rays and saw nothing that might hint to further injury. And I trust them so I'm just going to follow their instructions about resting it this week and then go on and kick Lesnar's ass."

You smile up at Seth. "That's my Seth." He sounded so arrogant and you knew he was back to himself.

"I'm sorry we've had such a time here lately. It kind of makes me sad you haven't heard me laugh."

"I'm sorry too. We are good though."

"Yeah," Seth tilts your head up and kisses you. "therefore please don't hate me for saying this,"

"What?" You already want to roll your eyes and you don't even know what he is about to say.

"Your breath really stinks. Like did you just take a bite out of an onion?"

You laugh hard, "oh my goodness! No! Well, I guess kinda, I had french onion soup for dinner." Seth is laughing too.

"Don't worry, I still love you."

You roll your eyes. "as though you have a choice at this point."

Road to Wrestlemania 2019: You and Seth RollinsWhere stories live. Discover now