Chapter 3: Raw February 4, 2019

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8:30 p.m

Elias and Jeff Jarrett are in the ring. Raw is halfway over. And you are ready to get back to the hotel. 

You got to the arena at 10:00 this morning. You had been in and out of meetings for about four hours then took an hour to workout and an hour for lunch. Then you had more meetings, choreography, hair, and makeup, and now waiting for the show to end.  

You sat in catering with Alexa Bliss. She is talking about her pet pig, Larry Steve. You are thoroughly uninterested, but she is your friend so you listen and nod. 

"Are you okay?" 

"Yeah, why?" You asked, dipping a chip into salsa. 

"You just seem to be out in space somewhere," Alexa tells you. She looks concerned. 

"I'm fine. I've just been busy and I'm tired." 

"You're always busy." She says. 

"Yes, but being busy all the time versus being busy at Wrestlemania time is two very different things." 

She nods. But you can tell she wants to say something else. You consider letting it go because you honestly don't want to deal with whatever she thinks is wrong. But it will bother you until you know what she is thinking. 

"What is it Lexi?" you ask trying to not roll your eyes at her. 

She shrugs. "It's really not my business," You slightly nod. It's not. "But, ever since the Royal Rumble you've been distant. From everyone. It's like you do your job and leave. You haven't really gone out with any of us since the Rumble. You didn't even want to come workout with me and Mickie last week." 

"I've been busy. I can't always get dinner or go shopping. I can't. It's really not easy to balance a corporate job and an in-ring career." 

"You're right." She says and you pray there is not a but coming. 

You are both silent for a long moment. 

"but," Alexa singsongs. "I just think that you are hiding in your work." 

"I am not hiding. I am legitimately working." 

"How many times are you went out with Seth since Royal Rumble?" 

"None. We've never been able to go out a lot. Work comes first." 

"Mmhmm, but I haven't even seen you two together since Rumble." 

"Well, we literally sleep next to each other so we have been together." You very obviously roll your eyes now. 

"Y/N, I'm not trying to make you mad. We've just been friends for a long time. And I feel like I know when something is not alright with you." 

"Alexa, I promise I am fine." 

"Y/N, and I promise if you don't admit to yourself what is actually wrong then nothing is going to get better." 

"I don't need anything to get better. Because everything is fine." You nod at her. "But thank you for caring." 

9:00 p.m

Fin Balor is fighting Lio Rush in the ring. You stand at the monitor watching the match. Bobby Lashley is heavily interfering.  

"Come on, throw him out." You mumble under your breath. A couple of beats later the ref bans Bobby Lashley from ringside. You smile. You tend to worry about the operations that you have no control over. Like referee choices during matches. 

The match continues as Lio jumps over the rope onto Fin on the outside. 

"Hey gorgeous" a smooth deep voice whispers as strong arms wrap around you from behind. 

You lean back into Seth. "Hi Handsome". 

"Are you okay?" He asks. 

"Yeah, I'm just tired." You say, still watching the match on the monitor. "How are you?" 

"Tired. Sore. I miss you." Seth says in your ear. 

"I miss you too," you say and try to melt yourself more into him. 

"I actually wanted to ask if you want to get breakfast in the morning. I know it's not a proper date, but I'd really like to spend time with you." 

You are about to say no, that you have meetings or an event or something. But you realize that you don't. You try to reach for another excuse, but you remember Alexa's concern. You really do want to spend time with Seth. 

"Yeah, that sounds nice." You say. You ignore the sinking feeling in your stomach and turn around in his arms. You press your lips quickly to his. Seth's beard tickles your face and you giggle. 

"There's that smile I love" Seth smiles back at you. 

You nuzzle into his shoulder. "I love you." 

Road to Wrestlemania 2019: You and Seth RollinsWhere stories live. Discover now