Chapter 13: WWE Hall of Fame

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The Hall of Fame inductions were going to start in about an hour. You were scheduled to be on the red carpet in ten minutes, but your hair was still being twisted into a half-updo by a hair artist. Your glowing natural makeup was set perfectly. 

"Okay, honey," your hair stylist says with one last spritz of hair spray, "you are all done. You look gorgeous." 

"Thank you." You say and look at yourself in the mirror. "Wow, you are amazing." 

"No, darling, you're just that gorgeous." She smiles at you in the mirror. 

You smile again at her and head towards the meeting spot you and Seth agreed on. You could see, from a distance, that Seth is already there. His dark hair is pulled back into a low bun. He is dressed in a solid black suit. 

"Hey Handsome," you say, seemingly interrupting his thoughts, as you approach him. 

Seth turns towards you and his face lights up the way you have gotten so used to over the past two years. After months of tension between the two of you, it finally seems back to normal. Seth takes your hands and lightly kisses your cheek. 

"You look stunning." He says quietly in your ear which sends a shiver down your spine. 

"Thank you," You say "We should head out to the carpet." 

Seth nods and offers you his arm. You loop your arm through his and he leads the pair of you to the stage where the red carpet is.  

There were cameras and reporters lined around the circle carpet. Some were with WWE such as Charlie, Kayla, and Dosha, but there were other reporters for ESPN, Bleacher Report, and other publications. You could see Byron and Maria on a platform with Alexa Bliss. Around the carpet talking to different people you could see Charlotte Flair with Andrade Almas, Zack Ryder with his new fiance Chelsea Green. You could also see Ronda Rousey with her husband and Sonya Deville with her girlfriend. Everyone looks so beautiful and well put together and it makes you happy that before such a big night that your company gets to have a celebration of all the people who makes it possible. 

"Oh, Seth?" You hear someone say. You and Seth both look to see a producer gesturing for you and Seth to come closer. "You're both needed on the platform with Byron and Maria," she says. 

You and Seth both follow her up to the platform. 

"Hi Y/N," Maria hugs you. "You look gorgeous." 

"Thank you!" 

"You're back in 3," the producer says and hurries off the platform. 

"We are here now with Seth Rollins and his girlfriend the equally amazing Y/Full/N." Byron introduces the two of you. 

"More amazing," Seth says and winks at you. 

"Aw," Maria coos as you blush. 

"Seth, you have a huge night tomorrow at Wrestlemania; what is your strategy in preparing from Universal Champion Brock Lesnar?" 

"Well, a lot of mental preparation. If Brock has you mentally before you get into the ring then you have no chance. I don't plan on that happening tomorrow night. A lot of leaning on my friends and, of course, Y/N, to remind me why I am doing this. I am going in fully prepared to give up my career to get that title from Lesnar." 

"Y/N, I gotta know," Maria says. "How do you feel knowing that the man that you care most about in the world is willing to go this far to get a title in the WWE?" 

"I don't want hurt and I certainly don't want his career ended. And while he may be prepared to end it in order to get the championship I know he won't have to. He is too good. He is the better wrestler, entertainer, and- after tomorrow-champion. He will do as he always does and make me and the rest of the WWE universe proud beyond belief." 

Seth smiles down at you. 

"Last question: who are you guys most excited to see inducted into the Hall of Fame tonight?" Byron asks. 

"I'm definitely most excited to see what DX does in the ring," Seth laughs. 

"I gotta go DX. As a kid, I idolized Chyna so her being inducted is so well deserved. Even though she can't be here with us tonight I know she is still so proud of what our women have accomplished and I hope she knows none of it would be possible without her." 

"Thank you both! Seth good luck tomorrow! We are going to throw it back over to the carpet with Charlie." 

Seth and you walk back to the carpet and make a quick circle before you both head to your seats. You sit in between Seth and Becky Lynch. 

"You look amazing," you say to her as you take your seat. 

"As do you love," she says. 

"Hey, Y/N?" Seth asks, 


"Do you want a drink before the show starts?" 

"I'm okay. Thanks." Seth nods and settles beside you. 

"Are you not going to get you a drink?" 

"No, I'm good, but I was going to get you one if you wanted." 

"You're amazing." you kiss his cheek. 

"I know," Seth says always. Which makes you roll your eyes. 

The ceremony starts and is entertaining especially since the New Day is only a couple of seats down from you. A fan tries to attack Brett Hart and Nattie, which causes for a slight pause. But the incident is forgotten soon enough with the gift of the Ultimate Warrior Award. Seth's hand never leaves yours throughout the entire show. 

Soon enough DX is giving their speeches as the last inductees of the evenings. 

"What are they getting?" You ask Seth as all four members of DX grab something from inside the podium. 

"I'm not sure. It looks like...a-" 

Triple H turns around with a super soaker water gun and you gasp. 

"I will end him if he messes up my makeup." You say. 

DX is blasting everyone in the crowd. Seth steps in front of you just in time to take a line of water from Road Dogg. Triple H rounds the ring and chases down Baron Corbin until they are right behind you. 

"Come on," Seth says covering you as you both walk away from the men with water guns. Seth's jacket is wet from where he protected you from the spray. Once in safety, you both laugh. Seth kisses you quickly. "Don't say I never did anything for you." 

"My hero," you faux swoon and kiss him again. 

Road to Wrestlemania 2019: You and Seth RollinsWhere stories live. Discover now