Chapter 7: March 4, 2019

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Monday Night Raw Top of the Show

Roman Reigns music hits. The fans are going crazy. The entire WWE Universe is so proud to have him back on the show. So many fans were holding up Beat Cancer signs and wearing Roman's new shirt. 

You are watching in the immediate backstage area with Seth. You had to fight for the right to be put into this storyline with your former teammates, but it was a fight that you ultimately won. You had noticed that, for some reason, the creative team has been trying to keep you off of tv as a competitor. They have tried to stuff you into a televised corporate babyface, while you love your corporate job as an Exec-Op Manager you still want to be a wrestler. 

You can remember being in The Shield. You had been out with a broken wrist when the boys had debuted at Survivor Series 2012. You came back in and was told that you were teaming with The Shield. It was supposed to be a one-time thing, but the fans loved you dressed in black with a bad attitude so you stayed. You had been devastated when Seth turned because you had grown to really love being in this group. That was when you refocused on using your degree and working on the flipside. There was a time when you were written as a competitor more often than not. Then you were injured again so your storyline was being the counterpart to The Authority when they were constantly screwing over Roman and protecting Seth. Somehow you never really bounced back as your own competitor. You had been in many matches, but not in the championship picture since before The Shield split the first time. 

You figured if you couldn't get to Mania without The Shield then you force yourself back into The Shield. 

Seth's music pulled you out of your thoughts. Roman had just asked him to come out. You watched the monitor as they talked in the ring. 

"I wanna get the band back together," Roman says and Seth immediately looks like he wants to leave the ring. It is, admittedly, a bad idea. 

Roman talks up the idea as Seth listens. 

"Y/N, you wanna help me out here?" Roman asks looking toward the ramp. Your music hits and you come through the curtain. The fans cheer loudly. One more person has been added to their Shield puzzle. 

You walk down to the ring and pull yourself up. Seth grins at you and sits on the rope for you to climb through. This was a gesture that used to annoy you, but now you kind of like it since Seth is the only person that does it for you. 

"Seth," you say, standing by Roman. Seth Turns away from the two of you. 

"You know he is right. We aren't guaranteed to ever be able to do this again. One of us could be forced into retirement by the end of tonight...or worse. Come on Seth! One more time." 

"I put that part of life behind me!" Seth says, coming to face Roman and you again. He pauses for entirely too long. "But you are right. So, fine. Let's do it!" 

Roman calls Dean out. After a too-long entrance and frantic pacing on the stage Dean's music cuts and Elias suddenly comes from the back and hits Dean with his guitar. Roman and Seth quickly run down to Dean's aid. 

You look on from the ring. Dean jerks his arm away from Seth who is trying to help him before heading back to the backstage area. Seth and Roman talk amongst themselves then look back to you in the ring. You shrug and roll out of the ring to meet them on the ramp. 

7:45 P.M

Triple H is in the ring addressing Dave Batista after he crashed the party for Ric Flair last week. He had crashed your show, but he had hurt Hunter's friend. Hunter was pissed. You could tell from the way he walked out to the ring. You had been in the chair next to Hunter when he had seen Dave's Instagram message. Angry was not strong enough of emotion to explain what had been on Hunter's face. 

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