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september 6th, 2017.

first day of high school. freshman year. two more painful years with henry bowers again.

richie woke up to the sound of his phone alarm on that wednesday morning. the alarm was extremely obnoxious and sometimes even woke his mother up. which is what happened since he heard something thrown at his door.

richie gradually got up and turned off his alarm. he didn't wanna go through this hell for the next four years of his life, plus collage. he didn't understand why he needed school after eighth grade.

it was bullshit anyways, so why would he care.

richie proceeded to get ready for his oh so important, first day. he had showered the night before, because he was always to lazy to shower in the morning, and it just wasn't normal for him.

he threw on some black jeans that defined his calves, and an olive green sweatshirt.

richie grabbed his phone and shoved it in his back pocket before hesitantly walking downstairs. he heard his mom wake up since she threw something at his door. speaking of which, was an empty bottle.

he stood on the side of the step he was on and looked around for a bit until he spotted his mother. she was actually getting ready for work? richie thought to himself, seeing that his mother, maggie tozier, was always late for work, cause clearly, she couldn't care less about it.

richie walked all the way downstairs, tripping a few times, but not falling down.

he reached the bottom and was greeted by his mother who grinned a bit and kissed his forehead.

richie looked up at her in great confusion, but he didn't question her.

"good morning richie, are you excited for your first day back?" maggie asked in her normal preppy tone when she's sober.

richie nodded and did his award winning smile at her.


was all richie could think about any time he smiled or pretended to be happy.

richie was snapped out of his daze after hearing his mother yell.

"i'm off to work, have fun!" before she slammed the door behind her. richie always liked his mother. even when she was drunk, she would never hit him or anything. he couldn't say the same with his dad.

richie then checked the time.


stan should be waiting for him right about now.

with that thought in mind, richie grabbed his bag and put on his black vans then practically ran out the door. once he shut it, he saw his favorite curly headed friend who seemed a bit annoyed. as always.

richie walked up to the slightly shorter boy and smiled.

"well good morning to you too rich. are you actually ready this time?" stan sneered and started to walk away, assuming richie was following behind him.

and richie was and happily doing so.

"yes, i went through a checklist yesterday night to see what stuff i needed and shit, but why do i care?" richie questioned and looked at stan.

stan rolled his eyes playfully and looked up at richie.

"because i want you to get good grades?" richie laughed at the comment.

"stanny, i'm sorry but, you're not my mom so you don't have to worry about me. be my best friend and not my mom please?" richie snickered and stan turned a barely visible shade of light pink.

richie smiled again and walked across the street corner they were at and saw the high school.

one glance and richie already knew what to say.

"i'm gonna get so fucking lost." richie commented and beamed when he felt stan hit his arm lightly.

richie grabbed a crumpled up piece of paper that was in his pocket and read it. it had all his classes, locker number, and additional information.

stan grabbed it out of his hand, and quickly scanned it and smiled a small bit.

"we have maths and english together, also lunch." stan handed richie back his paper and walked into the school.

richie followed behind him and looked around for people he knew. well, the other person he knew. he wasn't great at making friends, besides with stan since they've been friends since kindergarten, but no one really liked him in elementary and he still doesn't understand why.

stan was at his locker while richie was looking around until he spotted the infamous red flannel that always caught his eye.

richie smiled and yelled,

"big bill, over here!" getting his friends attention. bill made his way over to richie, through the crowded hallway.

"nice to see you made it stutter bug." richie grinned and felt a hand on his wrist from stan.

bill rolled his eyes.

"i don't stutter t-thu-that bad anymore ruh-r-richie. it comes and goes." bill explained

richie chuckled and ruffled bills hair.

"well i'm just happy to see you again since we only texted over the summer. a little someone didn't wanna be alone and made me stay with them almost everyday." richie turned to stan.

stan blushed and looked away from them and basically hid behind richie. stan didn't have any other friends besides richie. his parents wouldn't allow it.

richie turned back to bill who seemed to be in a daze.

"billiam," richie snapped his fingers in front of bills face until bill turned his head rapidly towards richie.

"oh, suh-sorry." bill stuttered out

richie felt stan close his locker and leach himself onto richie. richie tapped stans arm as a signal that bill was okay.

bill looked at them confused.

"are you two d-dating or something?" he asked in utter confusion. richie shook his head.

"no, i've just known him for a long time so anything we do just isn't weird anymore mr, denbrough." richie explained in his horrible british accent.

bill still looked confused though.

"so you're saying, you guys could fuck and it wouldn't be weird, it would be platonic?"

richie snorted at the comment.

"no, i know you know what i mean billy!" richie kept laughing as bill broke a smile.

the conversation lasted a bit longer until first bell had rung, so they had 15 minutes to get to class on time.

"looks like we should be going billy boy, catch you later!" richie smiled and dragged stan to their first class. maths.

high school maybe isn't to bad.


stozier is platonic. ~ellie

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