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richie's alarm blared with it's annoying beeps as richie groaned and shut it off with the back of his hand. he lifted himself up and yawned, then winced. he'd completely forgotten about the bruises he'd have to cover. he made his way out of his bed and got dressed.

he threw on a dark red hoodie and ripped back jeans then ran downstairs. he reached the bottom step and looked around for his parents. his mom was laying on the couch with a semi empty beer bottle in her hand. he assumed she was passed out so he went to the kitchen and grabbed a poptart.

he stuck the sweet in his mouth and grabbed his shoes and forced them on. he stood up, grabbed his bag and opened the door.

he walked out and saw stan waiting there for him.

"hey stanny, where were you yesterday?" richie smiled and looked at his slightly shorter friend who just shook his head. richie did a lopsided grin and nudged stan a bit, who just stumbled and looked up with a playful scowl. "i just got a little sick, but i'm fine." stan explained and richie just looked at him. really looked at him. he looked pale, his collarbones were sticking out from what he could see, his cheekbones were sunken in, and he looked really sick. richie had known this for a while, but never questioned him about it.

"hey stan, why are you so s-" richie started but was cut off by a stutter. "h-hey guys!" bill waved and ran up to the two. richie took the poptart out of his mouth and broke it in three. yes, richie knew it was unsanitary, but he didn't know if they ate breakfast or not so this was his option.

"the most important meal of the day!" richie smiled and showed his gapped teeth to which bill and stan giggled at. bill took his part of the poptart and popped it in his mouth, stan took his and just looked at richie.

richie narrowed his eyes and stan put the little piece in his mouth, slowly eating it. richie and bill both got a rush of happiness, but they kept it inside and kept walking.

richies happiness died down after a few minutes and his thoughts started to dive into the dark places in his mind.

what if my bruises show?

what if eddie finds out and calls cps?

what if eddie hurt himself?

why did everything in his life suck?

what was stan hiding?

why was stan underweight?

why do i like eddie?

why doesn't bill like to be home?

what if i let my dad beat me to death?

what if i kill myself?

"richard!" richie looked over to stan and bill who were both in front of him looking as worried as ever. "what the actual hell?" bill screeched and gripped richies shoulders.

"wha- what happened?" he adjusted his glasses and looked at the two boys. "you were s-starting to mumble questions. i didn't hear most of it, but stan pointes out a few of them, like about eddie and him." bill explained and let go of richie, who immediately froze up.


"i was just asking myself weird questions okay? nothing to worry about." richie did a false smiled and tried to play it off as if it were normal. "rich, i heard what you were saying, that's something to worry about!" stan spat, and richie winced. he hated being yelled at.

"there is nothing to worry about stanley, i'm fine!" the lanky boy growled and started to walk away from them and to the school, but they followed.

"no richie! just stop being difficult and let us help y-" stan cut himself off when he saw richie turn around. his face was red and he looked like he was about to hurt one of them. "how about you shut the fuck up and mind your fucking business. you don't have to know shit about me, i tell you what i want to tell you, you fucking pro ana wannabe. i never ask you or bill about your problems because i can clearly see what they are and that you don't want to fucking talk about it! bill doesn't like talking about his parents cause they don't spend enough time with him and you just want to be like everyone else and have a problem even though your life is fucking perfect, so you probably decided to go on tumblr and look up thinspo and starve yourself! you both just don't understand what other people go through so leave me the fuck alone!" richie screamed.

it was silent. bill was shocked, and stan was crying. richie blinked and then realized what he said and done. he felt horrible, but he didn't feel like talking.


he just walked away.


you're welcome.

i am so sorry.

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