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"richie you c-can't stay, my puh-arents will throw a fit." bill tried to explain while slowly inching richie towards the door.

"yes i can, i need somewhere to stay when i get kicked out billiam." he said without thinking. he felt bill stop pushing for a second and he felt like he made a mistake. he herd bill sigh. "what did you do this time richie?"

richie turned around making bill stumble a bit. he dramatically gasps and holds his hand over his heart, acting like he's been offended. "why do you always assume that it was me that did something?" bill rolled his eyes.

"did you d-do something?" he questioned and richie went a little red. "i see your point, but what can i do for you to let me stay here?"

bill thought for a moment, and richie's hopes started to go down. maybe he could stay at stan's.. or eddie's. he watched as bill started to blush a bit.

"okay fine, but you can't stay tomorrow. my parents don't allow my friends to stay over on sundays, so you have to find somewhere else to go, okay?" richie's blank face turned into a smile, he was so grateful for bill, even if he didn't say it.

and that was that. richie and bill played some more games, dressed up, and talked for hours.

"so, got anyone of your m-mind?" bill rolled over by richie.

"yeah, actually." he said and watched as bill got excited and giggly. "oh my god who. what's his name? what's she like?"

richie laughed a little.

"he is very sweet."

bill got up and did a little happy jump thing. he grabbed richie's hands and pulled him up, kissing the shorter boys forehead.

"what's h-his name dipshit! you have to tell me so i c-can get you two together!" he stuttered out and shook richie slightly.

"i can't tell you." richie smiled and shook his head making bill even more curious

"no please?" bill let richie go.

"get used to disappointment." richie ruffled bill's hair. "i'll only tell you if you tell me if you like someone."

bill started to blush a bit and richie caught notice of this.

"who is it?"

bill only shook his head and looked away. richie grabbed ahold of bill's head and got close to him.

"is it me?" richie whispered which caused bill to nearly scream.

"fUCK- NO." bill laughed and pushed richie away from him. "it's n-nOT you!"

they both laughed for a while at richie's stupidity before getting back to the conversation that they had cut off. richie shook his head a little and got serious again. "who is it? and be honest."

bill went rigid and sighed. "it's-" he started but was cut off by georgie slamming open his bedroom door. "billy!"

bill let out a breath in relief and turned to georgie. "hey bud, what's up?"

"let's go to the park, i wanna hang out with my friends. blake and jamei." bill looked at richie and saw that he looked displeased, so he agreed to taking georgie.

the three of them shuffled down the stairs and got their shoes on. georgie was the first one out the house, and bill was about to follow him but richie grabbed him by the shoulder first.

"you're gonna tell me who you like later. this isn't over." he mumbled and bill snickered. "good luck w-with that."

richie rolled his eyes and went outside following georgie, leaving bill to lock the house up.


sorry for the late and crappy update, so enjoy this bichie chapter that i'm not gonna proof read because i'm lazy. umm i'll make a longer chapter later. ~ellie

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