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the days went like that for a while.

it was like a small schedule. everyone would meet up at the same table at lunch, and talk about their problems and memories.

it was a friday, and almost everyone was ready for the weekend. almost everyone.

richie never wanted to go home. 'twas the reason he always stayed at either bills or stans house. he never liked his chaotic family. it overwhelmed him.

richie walked over to his locker yet again after his science class. it was lunch time and he was expecting everything to be the same as it was the days before.

he shut his locker and walked through the halls.

the school was actually, pretty, when it was quiet and no kids were in the hallway. it was kind of relaxing.

richie walked toward the stairway to the lunch area and looked at the table. he saw bill, stan, beverly, and someone else he couldn't recognize from where he was standing.

he quickly shuffled down the stairs and speed walked to the table.

it was the boy he bumped into just the other day.

richie sat down next to beverly, and glanced at the boy who was sitting next to bill every once in awhile.

"richie," beverly leaned to his ear and whispered. "that's the eddie guy i was talking about!"

richie's eyes widened a bit, which didn't help the fact that his eyes were magnified enough through his glasses, as he looked at the boy.

the boy looked back, and didn't stop staring. it felt like they'd been staring at each other for hours, but it was only for about a minute.

"oh! um hi. i'm eddie." the boy said and held out his hand towards richie. richie looked at eddie for a couple seconds longer before smiling and taking his hand and shaking it softly.

"richie. richie tozier. it's nice to meet you." he said in a nervous but happy way. eddie smiles brightly at him then turned and started talking to bill again.

when he let go of richie's hand, richie felt his hand get cold quickly. he likes eddie.


richie and stanley walked home together, lightly chitchatting about school and whatever was on there minds.

richie couldn't stop talking about eddie.

"he was so nice to me and he looks so small like a bean stanny! i don't know what to do?" richie turned his head and gripped his backpack straps a little tighter. stan giggled. "you're really crushing on this dude aren't you?" he said making richie blush a little.

"yeah, kind of."

they walked in a comfortable silence for a few minutes until they were at richie's house. they both stopped and stared at the house for a bit before stan turned to richie.

"hey rich?" richie turned his head and was met by stan looking a bit worried. "stay safe."

richie smiled and pulled stan into a tight hug. stan held his arms up for a bit then lightly patted richie's back before pulling away from him.

he waved a silent goodbye and walked down the sidewalk to his house.

richie sighed and quietly opened the door and walked in the house. he kicked off his shoes and looked around. no dad, no mom. he had a couple hours of freedom.

he ran up to his room and immediately turned on his radio from the 80s. he really likes retro stuff, yet he didn't know why. it just pleased him. he flopped down on his bed and listened to whatever was playing.

come on eileen.

richie loved this song. it reminds him of he times where he was younger and him and stan would play outside while their mothers talked all day. it reminded him of when he had a real family.

he grinned to himself and hummed along to the tune. he remembered all the words to it.

minutes passed and another song started playing and that's when his eyes started to droop. the didn't wanna let himself fall asleep, but his body said otherwise.

he closed his eyes and didn't even think about the consequences of having his music on so loud while his door was open when his parents got home.

the only thing he thought about before he let himself fall asleep was eddie. the boy that he bumped into and his new friend.


everything's gonna take a turn next chapter, just a heads up. (also stan has social anxiety if you didn't get the hint.)

i'll try to update more too. ~ellie

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