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small abuse warning.



richie woke up to the sound of yelling and loud thuds on the stairs.


he scrambled off of the bed and quickly turned off the song that was playing. he was about to run out of his room so he could go to one of his friends houses, but there was a sharp pain on his right cheek after he stepped foot out of his room.

"what did i tell you about playing your shitty music so loud in this house?!" wentworth yelled and richie stumbled back a little.

wentworth kicked richie's shin which made richie fall. "you dumbass, what did i tell you about disobeying me." he mumbled and spit on richie before walking away.

richie wanted to cry. he wanted to scream. but he didn't. he got up and brushed himself off. he walked down the stairs quietly and looked around.

mom wasn't home.

he opened the front door and walked out quickly. he shut the door with a slam.

richie looked around for a bit, deciding if he should go to bill or stans house.

he shrugged and walked down towards their houses. he felt his phone buzz in his back pocket.

he stopped on the sidewalk and checked it.

1 new message from stanny the manny.

he unlocked his phone and read it.

-richie, come over to bill's house-

he closed his phone and walked straight to bill's house. he reached the driveway and he saw stan and bill sitting on the porch.

"bill, stan?"

richie watched as they looked up and saw him. he saw stans face light up slightly and bill smile. "that w-wuh-was quick." bill stuttered out and got up going towards the door.

richie walked up the driveway and onto the porch.

"come on, l-luh-lets go inside so you c-can say hi to everyone." bill entered the house and went behind the door, waiting for him and stan to walk in after. stan quickly shuffled in, with richie following him behind.

he looked around and noticed two people he recognized and two other people he didn't.

he heard bill shut the door then watched him sit on the floor by beverly.

"oh hey.. richie?" a voice said and richie saw eddie. the cute one. he quickly walked over and sat down next to eddie. "hello edward~" richie tried in a charming voice, but earned an eye roll, along with a giggle.

he hadn't heard anything so innocent in the entirety of his life! what was this boy doing to him?

"okay, i'm still getting to know you, but this is my friend ben. you just got here so i know you most likely don't know him. also, this is his friend mike." eddie pointed to the boy with a really sweet smile, and the one who looked kind of intimidating at first glance.

"good day to you, mike and ben, i'm richard w. tozier, but my friends call me richie." ben and mike smiled at him which made richie feel warm. he hasn't gotten many smiles from people, so it felt nice.

he felt, happy.


throughout the night, everyone was getting to know each other better. richie felt as if they'd been friends for years. they were barely paying attention to the movie that was playing, that beverly turned on at some point while they were playing truth or dare.

currently, they were playing never have i ever.

"never have i ever nearly got into a car accident." beverly said and watched as bill, ben, and richie drank a small bit of lime juice in their cups.

"wait seriously?! tell the stories!" bev excitedly yelled. richie set his cup down and watched as bill perked up. "my f-father was recklessly d-driving." he explained and then everyone turned to ben.

"my mother almost hit a stop sign." ben shrugged and then everyone's attention was on richie. he looked down for a second then looked at eddie.

"oh! uh, yeah. my dad almost hit me while backing out of the driveway. pretty sure that shit head did that on purpose." he looked at everyone and they all giggled.

"OKAY! time to s-settle down and watch t-th-the movie. georgie may wuh-wake up and come downstairs, and i
d-don't wanna put him to bed again." bill got up and got a bunch of pillows and blankets. everyone got comfy. some quietly talked while others watched the movie.

richie put himself between eddie and stan. eddie on his left and stan on his right. richie and eddie were quietly talking until eddie got to interested in the movie, which richie didn't mind of course.

"rich." he turned his head and looked at stan, who seemed tired. "hmm?" he mumbled and laid his head on the pillow in front of him.

"do you like eddie?" richie tensed from the question. he lifted up and looked at stans curious eyes. richie relaxed again and smiled, cuddling up to stan. he always had a soft spot for him.

"maybe i do, but we'll talk more about that tomorrow." richie mumbled to the point where only stan could hear.

"goodnight staniel." richie quietly said, falling asleep. stan smiled and looked at bill who was next to eddie. him and bill shared a glance before he fell asleep too.


i don't like the beginning of the chapter, but whatever, and thank you for 100 reads! this is actually really fun to write, so expect more updates. ~ellie

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