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eddie and ben talked for a while in the library, quietly giggling and blushing until they heard the first bell. eddie groaned and gathered his things. ben did the same and they walked out of the library together. ben looked around the hallway a bit before walking away, waving at eddie.

eddie smiled and waved back a bit before heading to the west wing of the upper floor. his first class was history, and since they had 15 minutes until class actually started, he had plenty of time to get there and study for his other classes.

he made his way through the crowded hallway and into the almost empty classroom. when eddie looked around, he saw a dark skinned boy with a yellow sunflower in his curly hair sitting in the back.

was mike his name?

eddie decided to go sit next to him.

he made his way to the back of the classroom and pulled up a desk right next to him.

the sunflower boy looked at him in confusion for a bit, but gradually smiled. eddie smiles back and set his stuff of the desk and turned to him fully.

"hey, i noticed you looked kind of lonely, so i wanted to keep you company! my names eddie by the way." eddie introduced himself and saw the sunflower boy grow happier.

"my names mike. thanks for this, i only have two friends. i was just enrolled in the school and i don't really know how these things work, you were at the sleepover right?" he giggled and held his arm. eddie could tell that this boy was basically a human teddy bear.

for the next 15 minutes, eddie and mike got to know each other better until more people filled the classroom and the teacher walked in. most of the teachers at the school were pretty nice, all except for one. mr. grey, or mr. robert grey as everyone calls him. there's just something about him that's off, so everyone tries to avoid him at all costs, but it turns out eddie has him last hour for english, but so does mike, so that makes it better at least.

after class, the day went by pretty fast. he's happy he met someone new that he could tell his mommy about.

eddie was at his locker when he felt a tap on his shoulder. he grabbed his backpack and turned around just to be met face to face with bill denbrough.

bill smiled and grabbed eddies arm, pulling him through the crowd and outside to the front of the school. bill looked around for a bit, despite eddies confusion, and waved at someone.

eddie looked to who was coming up to him and it was that weird boy with the glasses that give him bug eyes and the shy boy with the uptight outfit style.

"richie! stan! come on let's go!" bill smiled and let go of eddies arm, walking up to richie. bill and richie walked ahead as stan and eddie walked behind them.

"so you're eddie?" the taller male looked over at the other. eddie nodded and looked over at stan and studied him. he looked really nice, might as well give him a chance.

"and i'm guessing you're stan, the one with the pretty green eyes?" eddie smirked and felt bills eyes on him. stan looked down for a second and looked back up with a small blush.

"you think they're pretty?" he asked shyly and eddies smile only grew.

"yeah, but i think someone else thinks they're really pretty. isn't that rig-" eddie got cut off by bill picking him up and throwing him over his shoulder.

eddie giggled and squirmed to try to get out of bills grip, but he wouldn't budge.

"okay okay, i'm sorry! i'm sorry! put me down!" eddie laughed as bill set him down. richie nudged bill and stan was looking around unknowing of the situation. after that they each talked until they were met with bills house. they came to a stop and looked at him.

bill cringed and said his goodbyes before being greeted by his baby brother georgie and heading into the house.

eddie frowned slightly and walked with richie and stan. he was conversing with richie when he realized stan was gone. he looked around and saw the lanky figure walk into his house.

richie sighed and looked at eddie.

"mines up ahead, where's yours?" richie asked and eddie pointed ahead of them to the right. he watched richie's face light up. adorable.

"mines right across from yours! that's so cool!" richie giggles and bounced on his toes a bit. eddie smiled and then thought about it for a bit. his house was the house were he always heard yelling and stuff breaking whenever he passed it. he wasn't going to question it though, richie seemed like a really happy and bubbly person.

"well i'll be sure to visit you sometime. bye richie!" eddie called out and walked across the street to his own house. before he went inside, he watched the other boy hesitantly walk into his house.

eddie sighed and went into his own, smiling a bit when he saw his mommy,

"you'll never guess what happened today mommy!"

THIS TOOK SO LONG TO WRITE also the next chapter will be set in october.

also mike was enrolled in the school, i just forgot to mention it.


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