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lunch rolled around pretty quickly, since all the classes were just introducing what was they were gonna do for the semester.

richie walked out of his third period and went to his locker to put his stuff away.


he put in his combination and pretty much threw his stuff in the small space, by his backpack.

he slammed his locker and walked downstairs to the lunch room. he saw bill sitting at a table with a girl who's hair was fire like.

he continued walking down the stairs and made his way to the decent sized table.

he sat down by the girl and looked at bill.

"you didn't tell me you found a love interest william?" richie smiled as he saw bill blush and the girl smirk at bill.

"really?" she started. "william didn't tell me either."

richie cackled and turned to the girl.

"the name's richie, and you are?" richie held out his hand towards her.

"beverly. beverly marsh, but you can call me bev." beverly took richie's hand and shook it with a toothy smile.

richie felt something thrown at his head. he turned to bill who was laughing and then he saw that stan was right next to bill trying to hold in a laugh.

it was an apple.

"which one of you fuckers threw that at me?!" richie let go of beverly's hand and fully turned to them.

bill and stan broke and started laughing and giggling uncontrollably. richie and beverly joined in after a couple seconds.

after laughing for a few minutes, richie got up and went to the vending machine.

he slapped in a dollar and got two things. some kettle chips and some fruit snacks.

he walked back to the table and sat down, passing stan the fruit snacks as he walked past him. he saw stan quickly throw it in the trash, but he didn't question it.

richie sat back down next to bev and everyone started talking to one another. richie glanced at bill and stan who seemed to be becoming friends.

this isn't so bad

richie thought to himself until he felt a tap on the shoulder.

he looked to his left and it was beverly.

"you alright richie? you were zoned out." beverly asked quietly, so she didn't catch the attention of the others.

richie nodded quickly.

"i'm fine bevvo, i was just thinking to myself okay? but what did you want to ask me?"  richie grinned.

beverly beamed.

"i asked if you know anyone named edward, or eddie." beverly explained.

richie shook his head.

"oh, well i wanted to ask since you and bill are friends and he talks about eddie a lot. they became friends over the summer i'm pretty sure."

richie glanced at bill, who had whispered something to stan, which made him blush and playfully hit him.

richie smiled a little bit.

"so eddie huh? how come he's never told me about him? i've been friends with bill since 2nd grade dammit!" richie yelled, causing beverly to laugh.

"i'm not entirely sure, but he seems like a nice guy from what bill says about him." she calmed down again and looked around.

richie shrugged and got up, going around to bill.

"billy!" richie made him stand up and face him. "who's the new friend that you talk to ms. marsh about?"

bills face softened.

"oh, that's eddie. since i couldn't hang out with you all summer, i made a new friend at the pharmacy." bill explained and sat back down.

richie nodded and heard the bell ring, signaling that it was time to leave.

richie turned to walk up the stairs, when he bumped into someone.

"fuck." the person called as they almost fell.

richie was quick to react.

"shit, i'm sorry. you okay?" richie looked at the short boy in an apologetic way.

the male nodded and smiled a little before walking away.

richie walked up the stairs and to his locker, unable to get his mind off of the boy he bumped into.

he was cute.


i have plans for this story ~ellie

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