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eddie sat in the car quietly as his mother pulled into the parking lot of the high school. he unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the car door, gripping onto his backpack straps. he was about to walk away, but he heard a whiney voice say his name. he exhaled inaudibly and turned around, smiling at his mother and gave her a quick peck on the cheek, before slamming the car door and going into the school.

he made his way through the crowd of chatty students and got to his locker. he put in the code and shoved his backpack into the limited space. the short boy grabbed his folders and books and slammed his locker door shut. he looked around and checked the time.

6:50 AM

eddie huffed and speed walked to the stairs to make his way to the library, but stopped when he smelt something coming from the west bathroom. he walked over to the door and cracked it open and slipped inside.

instant regret.

eddie started choking and wheezing as soon as he tried to inhale. he coughed and put the collar of his shirt over his mouth and nose. he hesitantly walked in further and peeked his head around the corner. he saw the outline of a tall boy with curly hair and a cigarette. eddie inched closer and squinted his eyes. it was richie.

"richie?" eddie dryly spoke. richie jumped and looked at where eddie was standing. he quickly put out his cigarette and took eddie out of the bathroom, making sure none of the smoke got out. he gripped the asthmatic boys shoulders and looked at him with worry in his eyes.

"eddie, why were you in there? you could've had an asthma attack!" richie quietly yelled. eddie looked down and sighed, before looking up at him again.

"i just smelt something bad coming from that restroom, i didn't know you'd be in there." eddie explained, grabbing onto richies boney wrists. richie nodded slowly and then let go of eddie. eddie watched as richie looked behind him for a few moments. eddie was about to turn his head, but richie swiftly walked to the east area of the high school.

eddie stood there baffled, but he soon felt a tap on his shoulder. he turned around and saw bill, who was smiling at him, looking somewhat irritated.

"hey eddie, what huh-h-happened between you and richie?" the brunette inquired. eddie just shook his head. he didn't know what was happening, and it made him uncomfortable. he knew he could always depend on bill to keep him updated on what's been happening with the group, but bill looked bothered and he didn't want to listen to him rant before his first period. he just wanted-


eddie looked up as he heard the 10 minute bell ring. he tightened his grasp on his backpack straps once again and decided to head to class. before he could start walking, bill spoke up.

"text me after school. it's important."

eddie turned around to look at bill, but he was already gone. damn, why is everyone so fucking fast? eddie groaned and then headed to his history class.

as he walked, there was only one thought in his mind.

today's going to be one hell of a day.


look, it's 1 am, and i'm tired, so i'm not going to write more to make the chapter longer.

i'll write more when i plan out the chapters a bit better, but thanks for reading this. it really makes me happy.

anyways goodnight ✨🌙



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2019 ⏰

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