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SEPTEMBER 13, 2017

eddie woke up from the sound of his loud alarm. he lifted up and quickly shut off before it could wake his mother up. god knows what he would do if he had to deal with her waking up with him.

he threw his legs over his small bed, letting his sock covered feet slowly lift him up on the carpet. yes, he sleeps with socks on. his mother said it would keep him from getting sick.

it was one of the things he had to do that he didn't mind.

he walked over to his nightstand and picked up his phone, seeing a few texts from ben.

marshmallow : meet me @ the library before school

marshmallow : i need to talk to you abt something!! 💓

eddie smiles at the texts from his friend. ben was just so pure all the time! how does he stay so trusting and kind?

booty-shorts baby: alright! i'll be there in 10

eddie sets down his phone and goes over to his dresser, picking out an outfit.

baby blue hoodie with 'doll' in cursive on the front, black leggings, and white vans.

you could say he dresses pretty feminine, but eddie just thinks it's cute on his small figure.

he grabs his bag and runs downstairs, grabbing an apple from a bowl on the table and runs out to the school. he lived pretty close so it was no fret.

he went inside the school and was about to walk up the stairs to the library when he saw bill tapping anxiously at his phone.

eddie walked over to him and peered over his shoulder on his tippy toes.

"who ya textin'?" eddie smiled and bill jumped, clutching his phone to his chest before looking back and seeing that it was just eddie.

"oh, no need to scare me like that, it's just beverly." bill turned and showed eddie the contact name.


eddie smiled and hugged bill for a bit before saying his quick 'see you in class!' and running up the stairs to the library.

he looked around for a bit before seeing ben in a large hoodie that covered himself pretty nicely. he walked over, setting his bag on the ground and sat down, seeing ben smile innocently at him.

eddie grinned and checked the time


damn, they were there early.

"so what did you want to talk about?" eddie asked and ben leant forward towards him.

"i wanted to know if you think mike is cute?"

i'll post a longer chapter next, it's 11 and i have school, goodnight mon amours! 💕💘

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