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OCTOBER 27, 2017

it was friday and richie has to walk home by himself. stan didn't show up at school, which was kind of weird, bill had been picked up by him mother, and eddie said he wasn't allowed to walk home the colder it got, so he was all alone. he asked ben, mike and beverly if they could come, but they lived in different places.

the boy sighed and kept walking in the semi cold weather and looked at the houses. he decided to visit bill, stan, and eddie to waste time, and it's not like his parents cared if he got home or not, it's all about grades and discipline with them.

he slowly made his way to the denbrough household. he quickly walked up the driveway and onto their porch then knocked on the door. for a bit he didn't hear anything, so he assumed no one was home, until he heard small steps coming towards the door.

the wooded door opened a crack, and the person who opened it was a tired looking georgie.

he wiped his eyes and looked up at richie.

"hey georgie! where's your big brother?" richie asked curiously and georgie just shrugged. "i'm not sure, mommy picked us up from school and then dropped me off at home and took him somewhere. i think they're trying to make up for lost time."

richie nodded and thanked georgie before walking off of their property and making his way to stans. as he walked, he couldn't stop thinking about the small germaphobe that he'd been talking to for the past month. the boy he'd been falling for.

he made it to the uris household and looked at the nice house for a bit. if he was honest, he was kind of jealous of stan, he seemed to have a perfect life and everything he could've asked for. it made him sick that stan was happier than him. richies eye twitched. he decided not to go to stans house. he kept walking and ignored the guilt he felt and went to eddies house.

he got there quickly and knocked on the door. richie excitedly bounced as he saw the doorknob twist, revealing just the boy he was looking for.

"eddie!" richie squealed and smiled when eddie giggled a little bit.

"hi richie, what are you doing here?" eddie stepped out of his house and closed the door, leaning against it.

"i don't know, i just wanted to see you since you didn't walk with me today." richie explained and eddie nodded.

for 10 minutes they talked about their day and plans to meet up before eddie was called back inside my his mother. they shared their goodbyes and richie walked across the street to his house. he walked inside and heard nothing, so he assumed his parents weren't home. richie kicked his shoes off and ran up to his room.

he jumped onto his bed and took off his backpack, grabbing a cigar from his secret stash.

he pulled out a lighter from his pocket and lit the cigarette and inhaled. he took the cancer stick out of his mouth and exhaled, watching the smoke leave his mouth, the feeling of relief washing over his body.

he stayed like that for a few seconds before putting out the cigarette and throwing it in the trash, and replacing it with his phone. for hours, he scrolled through his instagram, tumblr, and other social media sites before he heard the front door open. richie quickly groaned and sat up, going to close his door.

richie skipped dinner that night. it's not that he wasn't hungry, he just didn't want to have to deal with his stupid parents. he wish he could stay at bill or stans house. their parents always treated them right.

later that night, richie didn't know he would be getting a surprise beating by his father that would leave bad wounds and bloody nose for not coming down for dinner.

richie also didn't know that bill had been neglected for a majority of his life and was quietly calling for help.

or that stan didn't have a perfect life and had strict parents that had lowered his self confidence to the point of starving himself.

or that eddie has been brainwashed to believe that he was sick and should be protected from anything and everything that his mother disliked, including his friend choices.

richie just didn't know.


AHAHA I UPDATED AGAIN! also expect some big angst in this story.


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