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eddie was the first to get up. he was used to his mom waking up early to go to his appointments and still can't get out of the habit. he found himself laying all across bill and his pillow and he couldn't be happier bill wasn't awake. he groaned lowly and got up, stepping over his friends and made his way to the kitchen.

he looked in the fridge when he heard quiet footsteps near him. he turned to look and he saw georgie with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders, messy hair, and he was rubbing his eyes. "good morning georgie. what are you doing up so early?" eddie kneeled in front of him.

"i'm gonna hangout with jamei today and mom said i needed to get up early to get ready." georgie explained and eddie smiled. "well are you hungry, i can make you something real quick?" he offered, but georgie only shook his head no and reached for a granola bar. eddie stood up fully and moved out of the way so he could grab it. he watched georgie sluggishly walk back up the stairs.

eddie smiled to himself a little and then went to look for his bag. he walked around the stairs and went to the door grabbing his black fannypack. he looked through it for a bit and found his inhaler. he uncapped it and held it in his mouth, pushing down the metal part and letting the medicine fly into his mouth.

he held his breath for 5 seconds and then he exhaled.

he sat there for a moment and then shoved the inhaler back in his fannypack and went over to the others again. they were all still asleep. he checked the time, it's was 7:46. he stood there for a moment and then made up his mind. he grabbed his pillow, and hit bill, beverly, and ben with it, waking them up with groans in annoyance.

"five more m-minutes.." bill mumbled and readjusted himself, but eddie hit him with his pillow again. bill sat up and looked at eddie, wiping his eyes. "yes?"

eddie smiled. "wake up the others." he said and watched as bill scoffed and got up. bill got his pillow and hit everybody else with it, startling them.

"so why do we have to be awake again?" beverly stood up and faced eddie. "i've been up for ten minutes and it got to quiet." he shrugged and looked at richie. "you should've enjoyed that quiet while you could, you have awoken richie tozier and now he's gonna be loud as hell, so i've learned." beverly giggled.

richie lifted up and looked around.

"guys why is it so blurry?" he questioned and wondered why everyone started giggling. he felt shifting at his side after that.

"it's because you don't have your glasses on you dumbass." stan mumbled, earning laughs from the others.
stan got richie's glasses from off the Tv stand and handed them to him. richie put them on and looked at everyone. he smiled and stood up.

"good morning you losers." he bowed. "what are we doing up this early again?" he lifted up and stretched.

eddie sighed. "let's play uno or something to pass the time, besides it's better to play when you have more people." eddie looked up at everyone. they all silently agreed and eddie grabbed the cards.

everyone got in a circle and eddie passed out seven cards to each of them. the first card flipped over was a red eight. richie was first to go.

he set down a red draw two and looked at beverly.

"oh, fuck you." she groaned and set down another red card.


everyone was screaming at mike and richie. they were the last two players in and they didn't know who was gonna win.

richie placed a yellow six.

"uno bitch." he smiled and held his last card to his chest. what he didn't see was the smirk forming on mikes face. "you made a mistake tozier." he said through his smile.

richie looked up in confusion and watched as mike set down exactly three cards.

"reverse back to me, skip you, draw four, uno out." he said and everyone screamed louder as richie laid on the ground in defeat. the rest of the losers were screaming mikes name for the next five minutes before they calmed down and laughed about it. after a while of playfully making fun of richie, they started to leave back to their own houses one by one. the last one to leave was richie. why? cause he didn't wanna go back home again.


sorry for the late post, imma try to update more, also should i make other stories, if so, what ship? ~ellie

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