Bite Me.

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Kick Off of my first Story on Wattpad!!! Thank you for reading. To be forewarned this is ManxMan. Please be nice and no hateful comments. Please be kind with your words. I would love comments otherwise to let me know if this is worth continuing. Enjoy :)



There's a lot to be said about being the largest land carnivore on the face of the plane

For instance, nothing's bigger than you.

 There are some times it's nice being the biggest thing on four paws, and then other times it's a pain in the ass. For in the animal kingdom it's all about dominance, and being bigger than everyone else means you get into fights a lot.

And I mean Lots of fights.

            I have had more than enough wolves and cats come up to me looking for a fight because they feel threatened by my size. But comparing the sizes between a bear to canines and cats, there really isn't much competition to worry about. But they still attempt it anyway. So we growl a bit, I cuff them a few times in the head, and they nip at me. It normally ends with me holding them down on the ground and them trying desperately not to cry 'Uncle'.

Now I don't want to make the wrong impression and sound like I go off looking for fights wherever I go. In truth I'm more of a 'solve it with words' type of guy. I don't like fighting in the least unless there's a just cause and even then I normally don't fight to hurt others, just get the message across.

Truthfully it's a high misconception that bears are violent creatures that go looking for trouble. When in fact most bears go out of their way to avoid conflict with others. Of course unless its mating season, then it's all-out war with anything that moves.

But, personally I haven't met that many other bears to know how the others act compared to myself, but I have read quite a bit about my kind so I feel fairly confident in my understanding of how we work.

The reason for my lack of interaction with my own kind is for the fact that I was not raised around them. I was found as a stow away on a train when I was only a cub. I was hiding in the luggage when one of the conductors found me. Thankfully they knew about shifters and one of them actually had a friend in a pack close by. So from out in the wilderness the train brought me to a small town deep in the north of Canada where they left me with a small wolf pack in the hopes of someone there being able to locate my family.

Sadly, the search for a family came up fruitless and the question of where I was to go came up.

The Alpha of the pack who was looking after me in the mean-time was an older wolf who had a family of his own. To this day I'm not quite sure why he elected to keep me, a rather large polar bear cub without a family, but he did.

I was raised sort of as a communal child in the pack. I lived in the general pack house where they held meetings and gatherings. I was giving my own room and free rein of the house's amenities. Everyone in the pack treated me as if I were one of them. Minus the fact that we were different species.

            There is nothing I could say against the pack. They were kind and gentle throughout my life growing up with them. I was raised with love and compassion, or as much as a pack of wolves could manage raising a bear cub that didn't belong to them.

Although there were quite a few trials in my childhood because of my being a different species, I cannot blame them for that. I was naturally stronger than the other pups and more often than not wasn't aloud to play with them because of this fact. I tried not to take it to heart, they just wanted everyone to be safe, even if that meant keeping me at a safe distance from the pups.

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