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Curtis finally woke up, blinking as he adjusted to the light. This wasn't his room-he was still aboard the atlas, but he had no idea where he was. He looked around before seeing Shiro asleep on the floor, right next to his bed. He jumped a little and tried his best to be quiet, but realized the captain was still sleeping soundly. If he could step over Shiro, everything would be fine. 

But he tripped. Of course.

And Shiro ended up underneath him, obviously waking up as soon as Curtis fell on top of him. He looked confused and stared inquisitively at the man on top of him. "Shouldn't you take me on a date first?" He joked. Curtis panicked. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know where I was and I kind of tripped and you were on the floor and I landed on top of you... I'm really, really sorry!" He jumped up, his face burning. Shiro just laughed, and got up, patting his officer on the back. "It's alright, I was kidding you. I know it wasn't your fault, I know you're not that kind of person. Now I'll let you get back to your room, be here at the same time tonight, and I'll make sure you get back to your room." Curtis nodded and hurried back to his room. 

He was mentally slapping himself for his stupid reaction

Oh my god stop being so gay Curtis, you've done enough to embarrass yourself already.

 Shiro wasn't feeling any better than Curtis at the moment, mostly because he couldn't wipe the dorky smile off his face. That had been a shock to him, and the younger's reaction was funny, but having another guy's face that close to his... it'd been a while since he felt like that. And with this one, he was determined to get that close to his face again. But hopefully next time it wouldn't be by accident. 

It was.

-- -- --

The following night, Curtis fell asleep in Shiro's room again but staying true to his promise, the captain carried him back to his own dorm. He laid him down on his bed and threw a blanket over him. The older man would have left, but he couldn't resist the chance to look at Curtis when he didn't look sad. When he was relaxed like this, and his gentle expression looked as if he didn't have a care in the world, he was beautiful. Shiro looked at him closer, wanting so badly to just stay and stare at him. He knew he couldn't but another idea popped into his mind. 

It wouldn't hurt. And he's fast asleep.

Shiro leaned in closer to the sleeping brunette and planted a gentle kiss on his forehead. 

"You're not a distraction. You are an escape."

-- -- -- 

Veronica leaned to her brother, elbowing him in the arm. 

"Hey, did you know Curtis has been visiting Shiro's room every night, and then Shiro carries him back to his own room? Axca and I have seen them every single night."

"I mean we all know that Shiro's really gay, but Curtis? Does he even talk?"

"Yeah sometimes. I think I've heard him talk maybe twice?"

Lance looked at his sister, an eyebrow raised. 

"You really need to stop stalking random couples. Do us all a favor."

"But why? I helped get you and Keith together?"

Lance blushed. "T-that's different. Let those two figure it out by themselves."

"Awww, You're no fun Lance."

Veronica pouted. She spotted Curtis walking down the hall with his face in his hands, the tips of his ears red, and smirked. 

"See? He came out of captain Shirogane's room and he's blushing. You can't deny that there's something going on there. " 

Pidge popped up behind them. 

 "I stan. When's the wedding?"

Veronica looked back at Pidge and high fived her. Finally, someone who understood the complex art of shipping. Truly a kindred spirit.

"We'll see. But do you think it'd be more interesting if we watch them try to figure this out and not interfere? Because from what I've seen, these are the two most awkward people on the Atlas aside from my brother and his boyfriend."

Pidge gave a devious smirk.

"Sounds like the plot of a really cliche romance novel. I'm down."

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