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Curtis went to his seat in the control room of the atlas, ignoring the two girls whispering quietly next to him. He had a fairly quiet day, avoiding most of the people he knew would mock him. The end of the day came around, and he was headed back to his room when someone grabbed his wrist. He whipped his head around to see them, those same boys that had harassed him last time.
"Hey princess,"
One of them pinned him against the wall, letting go of his wrists.
"Did you miss us?"
"Please, I have things to do and places to be. Go bother some one else or stop harassing people all together."
One of the boys smirked and pressed his body against Curtis, his hot breath inches from the officer's face.
"Where's your daddy now, huh?"
Curtis tried to squirm out of his grasp, but the boy grabbed hold of his wrists, holding onto them tightly, so much that it hurt.
"Let g- mmph!"
One of the boys held a hand over Curtis's mouth as the other ran his fingers down his chest.
"Get off of him! Now."
The boys jumped, turning around to see Shiro standing behind them. He stared at them angrily, and they quickly ran down the hall. Curtis ran to him, tears welling up in his eyes as he buried his face in the older's chest.
"Shhhh, it's okay... I'll take care of those guys. Go back to my room, I'll meet you there."
Shiro walked into his room and saw Curtis sitting on the floor, legs crossed with his back against the bed frame. He stared at his own hands and the many scars that crisscrossed his skin.
"Hey, how're you feeling?" the captain said, making the younger jump.
"Ah, I'm alright... a little startled, but I'm okay."
The captain took the other's hands and held them, looking at the cuts all over them. He turned them over, fingers roaming over his palms gently. They were still shaking, as was the rest of him. Shiro opened his arms and Curtis leaned into his chest, shoulders shaking as light sobs could be heard. He sat next to his lover, crying into his shirt while the older rubbed his back, calming him. After a while, tired blue eyes looked back up at him.
"I'm tired." The younger yawned, laying back against the bed frame.
"Go get changed and we can go to bed, okay?"
Curtis rubbed his eyes and went to grab his pajamas, a.k.a. a shirt the captain lended him and a pair of shorts. When he came out of the bathroom he flopped down on the bed, face first next to Shiro.
"You still need to take your meds Curt."
"Oh. Yeah. Where are they?"
"I'll go get them."
The man returns with his pills and a glass of water, which Curtis thanked him for before taking his medicine, laying down, and falling asleep curled up on the bed. The older laid down behind him and wrapped an arm around his waist, pulling him close. He fell asleep accompanied by the other's quiet breathing.
"I love you."
— — —
Author's note:
I know that the chapters have been getting a little shorter lately, but as of current I'm struggling to find the time to write. School has really been occupying most of my time,but I'll try my best to get back to regular length chapters and more frequent updates. Thank you for understanding.

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