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Warning- some spicy stuff in this chapter. If you don't like it scroll until you see this symbol: ✝️
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When Shiro walked into his room, Curtis was in the bathroom changing into his pajamas. He'd been busy that day and had come back late, so he walked into the bathroom and wrapped his arms around his lover's waist, lightly kissing his neck. The brunette smiled, his ears going a light shade of pink.
"Hey Shiro."
"Mmm... hi."
"Tired? You get worked half to death again?"
He turned and looked at Shiro, smiling and wrapping his arms around his neck. The captain pressed his lips to the others, and he melted into the kiss, their lips molding together perfectly.
As they continued to make out, Shiro found himself on top of the other in his bed, the brunette's arms still around his neck and pulling him in. The air was getting hotter by the minute, and Curtis was panting between kisses.
He turned his attention to his neck, quickly finding his sweet spot and causing the brunette to let out a quiet moan before quickly biting his lip, embarrassed.
"Don't be embarrassed baby, you have a beautiful voice." He moved down farther and began peppering his lover's chest with tiny kisses and love bites.
Shiro's hand's found their way to Curtis's boxers and his fingers slipped under the elastic. He pulled them off and tossed them to the side, moving farther downward to kiss his inner thighs.
"Mnnngh... don't b- ah~ be a tease..."
The captain looked up at Curtis, eyes glazed over with lust and a smirk on his face.
"I'd get used to it sweetheart."
— — —
Shiro gazed fondly at Curtis as he snored softly, curled up on the bed. As soon as they had cleaned up, he had passed out.
"Ah, meds. He hasn't taken them yet."
Shiro knelt down next to the bed and moved some hair out of the other's face.
"Curt, you have to take your meds. Cmon, wake up."
He sleepily opened his eyes, blinking wearily.
"Oh. Okay."
After he had taken the pills, he went back to sleep. Shiro found his shirt somewhere on the floor and slipped it on, sliding in bed next to his lover. He wrapped him up in his arms and buried his face in the other's back.
He smelled good, kinda like mangos and vanilla. He breathed it in and listened to clock's quiet ticking until he fell asleep.
The next morning, Curtis woke up, attempted to sit up, and immediately laid back down.
Shiro woke up to annoyed groaning.
"Yeah maybe a tiiiiiiiiiny bit."
He buried his face in the pillows, entire body aching. The other laughed a little, rubbing his lower back.
"I'm sorry baby, I'll try to gentle next time."
The brunette looked at him, squinting.
"You better or you'll sleep on the floor."
He gasped dramatically, covering his mouth with his hands.
"You wouldn't."
"Watch me."
"Fine, fine, I'm sorry. I promise I'll be gentle next time."
Shiro kissed the other's head, ruffling his hair gently.
"You don't have to go to work today, okay? Veronica can fill in for you."
"Okay. Well I guess I'll see you tonight then." Curtis said, smiling. Shiro headed out the door, waving.
And then he was alone. A few hours passed as he laid in his bed, but eventually he decided he should get up and find something to eat. That was a mistake, and as soon as he went to stand up he laid back down for another few minutes. Finally, he just got used to it and made his way to the mini fridge. Inside he found a small pack of Oreos, and grabbed them. He sat back down in bed and proceeded to eat the entire pack, very content with his find.
A few hours later, Shiro finally came back. He opened the door to see Curtis curled up on the bed asleep, and he smiled like a dork. He stood in the doorway for awhile, and Veronica walked by at one point.
"Why're you smiling like you won the lottery."
"Cause I did."
She peeked through the door.
"Oh my god he's adorable."
"I know right.~I'm so lucky."
She rolled her eyes and shook her head, smiling a little.
"You and Keith are the exact same when it comes to boys."
"That's because I raised him right."
Eventually Veronica left and Shiro entered the room as quietly as he could, as not to wake the sleeping man up. He was asleep pretty soundly, and he noticed the pack of Oreos next to the bed.
'Wow, don't even bother to hide the evidence...' he thought, smiling a little.
Damn, he had gotten lucky. He pulled a chair up next to the bed and just looked at the other's sleeping face. He was beautiful, so peaceful and quiet.
"How'd I get you to fall for someone like me, huh?"
He was so kind, gentle, just everything about him was amazing. Sure he had flaws, but that was okay. That just made him even more special. He gazed at Curtis' hands, and as scarred and rough as they were, he loved them anyway. They were finally healing, and that was what he wanted. He wanted the man he loved so much to be happy.
Finally, the brunette woke up to Shiro softly stroking his hair. He slowly opened his eyes to see his lover smiling down at him.
"Did you sleep well?"
"That's good."
"I missed you."
"Yeah, me too."
He gently took Curtis' hands and ran his fingers over them gently. He kissed the old cuts, and looked back at his whole world with a smile.
"I'm so lucky to have somebody like you."
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Author's note:
This chapter in specific was probably the most personal of all the ones I've written. There are a lot of things in the story that Curtis battles that I struggle with on a day to day basis, but there are also a lot of good things. And this chapter in specific was a good example of that.
I'm the luckiest girl in the world too.
I'm still trying to figure out how I managed to get a masterpiece to like me.
And I'm so lucky to have her, and I'm thankful for all she's done for my confidence and happiness.
So if you read this...
I love you ❤️.

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