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Curtis laid on his mattress, face down, and tried his best not to scream. It was obvious that Shiro had carried him back to his dorm, and although that wasnt necessarily a bad thing by itself, that meant people might have seen the captain carry him through the hallways. And because there was a group of 4 obnoxious teenagers on board who were, at times, utterly terrifying, he was honestly scared for his entire reputation as well as his life.. Especially the small one. Nobody should be allowed to be that smart, ever.

But with him being so insecure about his sexuality, it was even worse. It was causing him so much anxiety to think that someone might find out how he felt about Shiro. He was trying really hard to keep it all under control, but with everything else going on he was really struggling. He could hardly talk to Shiro before, and now that he had tripped and been less than five inches from his face, it was even worse. He was so awkward now, and it was absolutely unbearable. He'd never actually had to talk to Shiro so much, and now that he did, things were not going smoothly.
— — —
"Hey Shiro?"
Pidge tapped his shoulder as he went to sit down in the cafeteria.
"What's going on between you and Curtis? I see you around him a lot now, and I was wondering if I missed out on some drama?"
Shiro froze. Oh boy he was in trouble now. How was he supposed to lie about this? Pidge assumes there was a relationship, and yes, Shiro likes him too, but that wasn't why he was hanging out around Curtis. But in respect for his officer's privacy, it's not like he could say, "Oh, I've been helping handle his medication that keeps him from screaming every night because he's been hospitalized three times for attempted suicide by overdose."
That would be stupid, but he honestly had no idea how to fake this.
"... I-well..."
"Yeah okay you're in love with him."
"Wait, No! Why would you just assume that.
"In the history of ever, no one has ever been so blatantly gay for someone else."
Keith walked past them in the hall.
"Just accept it you're hella gay for him."
"Fine... but if you tell him I swear I will hurt you."
Pidge shook her head, and looked at Shiro.
"Your secret's safe with us. But you guys are really cute."
Keith smirked, and grabbed Lance, who was standing nearby.
"Hear that? We're not the only openly gay ones on the atlas anymore."
— — —
Authors Note:
I'm sorry about the shorter chapters, I've been super busy and low on ideas. If you have any ideas for the story line I'm open for suggestions. I'll be back to the regular length updates as soon as I can, I'm just struggling with some stuff right now and have waaaay to much homework. Thank you for understanding.

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