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"Please don't worry about me, I'll be fine."
"I'm sorry."
"I wish I could stop but I can't."
"Some habits are too old to break."
Shiro later on his side in his bed, face in his hands. He thought that he could save Curtis, he thought he could help him. But he only made it worse, and he couldn't get the younger to open up. He was so broken inside and it hurt to see him like that.
But why wouldn't he let anyone fix him?
"It's not something that can be cured. I'm like a broken clock that will always be a few seconds behind no matter how many times it's taken to the workshop. I've been dealing with this for so many years and every time I go to the doctor, or talk to someone, or take medication, it's all the same."
The captain hadn't cried in a while, but a tear managed to slip down his cheek. Tears turned to sobs, and it went on until he was exhausted.
"I promise I'll fix you."
— — —
The next day, Curtis wasn't at work. Shiro went to knock on his door a couple times, but when he did all he got was a quiet, "leave me alone." He didn't see His officer eat either, he never came to breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Shiro's mind was racing, trying to think of what he could possibly do to help him. But he kept coming up with nothing.
Meanwhile, Curtis was laying in bed. He refused to get up, and he wasn't eating. He just sat and stared at the door, hoping he would just fall asleep. He never did. He was starving, but he didn't have the energy and he wasn't willing to go out in front of those people. Around 3 AM, someone knocked on the door.
"Curtis, it's Veronica. The captain wanted me to bring you something, you need to eat."
"I don't want it."
"Please Curtis. At least let me in."
Curtis reached over to his dresser and grabbed the keys, sliding them across the floor and under the door. Veronica came in and looked at Curtis, eyes full of sympathy. She set the tray of food down on his bedside table and knelt down next to his bed.
"How have you been the past few days?"
"Have you eaten?"
"You can't keep doing this. I know everyone here is being terrible to you, but you can't let them get to you. You at least have to eat."
He looked defeated, dull eyes not even looking at her as she tried to encourage him.
"Curtis please. I know you never eat much, but you have to eat something."
"No. I don't want it."
"I'm not hungry."
He turned over in his bed, his back now to Veronica. He didn't want to talk, she could tell. She laid her hand on his shoulder, and sighed.
The food is there if you decide you want it. I'll leave you alone, but just remember...,"
She opened the door and looked back at him.
"This isn't what Amelia would have wanted."
And with that, Veronica shut the door, leaving Curtis to stare at his wall, where a picture of her hung in a simple wooden frame.
Her voice floated through his mind.
"Take this with you, that way you won't forget about me while you're in space! And when you come back, I'll be able to take one with a famous officer who worked on the atlas!"
A tear slipped down his cheek as he remembered his sister, with her bright smile and comforting words.
As Veronica stood outside his door, she heard a quiet, choked whisper.
"I miss you."

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